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Grace knew how Warren was on the warpath to find out who had attacked Belle. She didn't blame him. She was after them too. But she needed to take it easy due to being pregnant.

She hated how someone had sexually assaulted the young girl. Especially with how vulnerable she was. She knew how Warren was on a mission.

She knew no one hurt their little girl and got away with it. Grace had been walking her to school every morning. And when she didn't, Warren took her in the car.

Grace knew that she was going to talk to Robbie and Jason about it knowing they had been at the party with her. And she wanted answers. No matter what it cost to get them.

All that Grace knew was that something had gone wrong with her family. And she was going to do all she could to fix it. And to get things back to how they used to be.

Morning came and Grace woke in bed. She saw Warren wasn't there. She grabbed her dressing gown and left the bedroom. She saw Warren cleaning the kitchen. "Babe. What are you doing?" She asked.

"I had a phone call from the social. They're coming out. I don't know what for. But I am not giving them any excuse to take Belle," warren said.

Grace frowned. "Do you think someone reported her attack? Which is why?" She asked.

"I don't know. But I'm not giving them any chance to take her. She's my- our little girl and we're not losing her," Warren said.

Grace smiled. She took his hand. "It's going to be okay. I promise. We're in this together. Where is she?"

"Sleeping. Figured I'd clean before I woke her for school."

Grace walked into her mums house. Sandy looked to her and smiled. "How are you love?" She asked as she handed her a glass of lemonade.

Grace nodded. "I'm okay. I'll be glad to have this pregnancy over and done with. I can't wait to have the baby in my arms. Then I can focus on my little family," she said.

Sandy smiled. "I can't wait. Another grandbaby for me to spoil. You seem stressed. What's going on?" She asked.

"I'm okay. Just wanting things to be perfect for my family. I want to work. All I've ever wanted was to be a mum. And I am. I just don't want to mess it up. You've done six times. How.. how do you not find yourself wanting to crack?" Grace asked.

"Simple. My kids are everything to me. So I want to give my all to them," Sandy told her.

Grace smiled. Knowing she wanted to be half the mum her was. "I think I'm doing a good job."

"You're doing amazing. I'm so proud of you."

Grace walked back into the flat. She saw Warren sitting on the sofa. The social worker opposite him. "Hi. Sorry I'm late. I was picking up some stuff for dinner. Hi. I'm Grace. Warren's fiancee. And Belle's step mum I guess," she said.

Warren looked to her and smiled. "Grace here is great with Belle. She loves her and does almost everything for her." 

"I just want to let you both know now, I am not here to take Belle from you. She is settled and she's happy. But we have had some news. Aimee, she is alive. She faked her death. She has stated she doesn't want Belle to return to her. But she disclosed to us that she took Belle from the hospital when she was a newborn. We have Belle's DNA on file. And you are her father Mr Fox. There is no question of that. But we don't know who her mother is," the social worker said.

Warren was in absolute shock. He saw the look on Grace's. But he had no idea how everything was about to change.

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