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Grace lay in bed with warren and smiled as she liked to him

"what are you thinking over" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"dolcie and how much I miss her. I use to love coming on from work and seeing her grow I loved being a dad and now I feel like I'm not a dad. I can't even imagine how you feel I mean you had the connection of carrying her and giving birth to her" warren said as grace smiled.

Grace knew how hard it was when it came to dolcie and how hard it was for them to talk over

"I don't ever want to replace her and I do want to have another baby one day with you as I love you. Not yet as it's too raw but one day" warren said as grace sighed. Grace knew that she loved warren and she would love the idea of having another child one day but it scared her.

She knew that after loosing dolcie it scared her to have another baby and she had no idea if she could do it. She had no idea if she was ready for it

"maybe one day" grace said as he leant in and kissed her.

Grace wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close

Grace got to the Roscoe house and smiled as she saw Sandy

"hi love are you okay" Sandy asked as she looked to her daughter as grace smiled

"I guess. I don't know things are a mess and I hate it. I just don't know what to think over it all" grace said as Sandy looked to her daughter and smiled. Sandy knew just much that grace had been through

"what's up" Sandy asked as grace looked to her and sighed

"warren he is talking over having more kids one day and I really don't know if I can I mean after everything that happened with dolcie I don't know" grace said as she ran her hands thorough her hair as Sandy looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard I do but I am here for you and if you have another baby it won't be like dolcie, her death was devastating and you won't get over it but you will be okay you deserve to move on and be a future and having another child won't make you forget her, you deserve to be happy no matter what happens" Sandy said as grace looked to her and smiled

grace knew that she wasn't ready to have a baby yet but she knew one day it could be a different story

Grace lay in bed with warren as they lay having sex.

She knew how he wanted to have another baby one day and she knew how it scared her, she didn't know if she could have another baby as she lost dolcie

she knew that right now she wasn't ready and she knew how she was trying to have a future but could grace ever have another baby knowing how she had lost her child in the worst way and knowing that it wasn't going to be an easy decision

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