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Grace woke up and frowned as she realised that she was in bed alone and sighed.

Grace hated it. She hated that warren wasn't there and she hated how it was since dolcie had died and how distant that they seemed to be with each other

Grace knew that they had just buried their daughter and she knew it was something that she never wanted to do.

She knew it was something she never wanted to have to do and she hated it and all that she wanted was to be okay, she wanted her and warren to be okay but it was hard.

Grace walked through the flat a she saw warren as he stood in the doorway of what was dolcie nursery.

Grace walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder as he looked to her

"are we okay" she asked as he smiled

"of course we are I'm sorry I just...I need to try and get through this my own way" he said as she smiled

"just promise me you aren't getting into anything that will result in me losing you" she said

"I promise" he said as he leant in and kissed her.

Grace watched as he walked off and sighed to herself worrying that something dodgy was going on

Grace answered the door and looked to see Sandy and smiled

"hi love how are you" Sandy asked as grace looked to him and smiled

"I don't know. I found a load of her things from when she was born and I just feel numb and I hate it and I don't know what to do i mean what if I never get over this. What if I can't get past what happened and loosing my daughter" grace said as Sandy looked to her and smiled

"you will never get over it, the baby you made. The baby you planned for so much died and you can't change it at all but you are allowed to grief and it will get to much hand one day you will be okay and you will never get over but you will find a way to accept it and deal with it but you have warren and you will be okay and you will make it work, you will find a way to do it" Sandy said as grace looked to her and smiled.

Grace hoped that she was right as she felt as if it was all impossible right now but she knew she'd never forget dolcie but she did want to find a way to move on and be happy no matter how hard it seemed

Grace looked as warren walked into the flat and smiled

"hey" he said as he walked over to her and kissed her. She kissed him back and smiled as she placed a hand on her cheek

"hi you okay" she asked as he nodded as he sat next to her. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close as he held her for a moment

"promise me one thing?" Grace asked

"anything" he said as she looked to him and smiled
M "don't mess things up for us as I can't loose you" grace said as he smiled

"I promise" he said but could he keep that promise?

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