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Grace lay in bed and looked as warren walked into the room and smiled. She looked to him

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm getting there" she said as he sat on the bed next to her and smiled

"so I have been thinking over us, I know we haven't touched each other since we lost dolcie and I get it if you don't want to but I don't want us to loose our spark of our relationship" warren said as grace sat up and looked to him and smirked

"is this your coy way of asking for sex" she asked as he looked to her and smirked
"well we use to be all about sex and I think this is the longest we have gone without" he said as she looked to him snd smirked.

Grace knew that she had already lost dolcie and she didn't want to loose warren. Grace wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close and kissed him. They stripped off as she pulled him to her.

They kissed passionately as he ran his hand up her thigh and pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her

Grace walked through the village with Sandy and frowned as she looked to see warren outside of the club.

Grace frowned to herself as she looked to see him as he stood with a shady looking guy. She looked to see warren as he handed them a stash of cash and sighed, grace was worried.

She knew that dolcie death was effecting him and she was worried that he was going on a downwards path and she hated it, she hated how things were and she knew that warren had a dodgy past and she knew that she didn't want him to go through that again and she hated it.

Grace knew that she wanted to try and make it work but it was hard "are you okay" Sandy asked as grace looked to her and smiled

"I think so, things are just hard right now but I will be okay I just want to try and move on with my life. I know that I lost dolcie we both did I just want things with me and warren to be okay, you know" grace said as Sandy smiled

"I know. But I'm sure that you and warren will be okay, try not to warren" Sandy said as grace smiled knowing it was easier said then done

Grace sighed to herself as she got to dolcies grave and smiled

"hi baby girl mummy misses you I know daddy hasn't been for a while but he's going through some stuff that's all but as long as you know how much you mean to us. I might not come as much as it makes me sad but I promise it's going to be okay as, as hard as this is. I am never going to stop loving you" grace said.

She could feel the tears in her face as she looked to the grave and sighed. Grace knew it was t going to be easy but she knew that somehow she had to try and let her grieve go and move forward with her life

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