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Quadruple update, start at 35 please!!!!

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Quadruple update, start at 35 please!!!!

10 years later

"Y/N! Look this way!"

"Y/N! over here!"

"Do you think you will win the award for best actress?!"

"Who are you wearing?!"

"Y/N turn so we can see the back of your gown."

"Y/N turn this way!"

"Y/N where's your husband?!"

It's always the same at these award shows. Paparazzi pretending to give a shit about what you're wearing just so they can start throwing out the more personal questions. The type of questions that have you holding your breath as you cuss them out in your mind.

Your fake smile acting as a shield as the same questions they're asking run through your head. Where is my husband?

I know exactly where my husband is, I also know that he's not the type of man to let me down. Not like the man I dreamt about all of those years ago.

"There he is!!"

One of the men yell, forcing everyone's attention in the direction of the most sought after editor in LA.

His tall figure towering over all the reporters that try to ask him questions, he just ignores them, his eyes locked on mine as he pushes his way through the crowd until he reaches me.

"What happened? Why are you so late?" I ask him as he leans down and presses his lips to mine, trying to catch his breath before turning to give to reporters a wave.

"The twins were giving my mom a hard time."

"Are they settled now?" I ask as he drapes his arm over my shoulder, smiling to the camera as he responds.

"Yeah, but I hope you like orange donkeys because we currently have one made of crayon on our living room wall."


Ignoring my disapproval, he smiles down at me. Those same large eyes taking away any anger or disappointment I may feel. The same way they have been able to for the past 12 years.

"You look beautiful Angel."

"Thank you baby." I smile up at him, hearing the constant clicks of the cameras as he leans down for one more kiss.

Lips Of An Angel    JJK 🔞Where stories live. Discover now