Twenty Five

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And that was it, the three weeks flew by in a flash and now it's time to face reality and go home to my cheating husband

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And that was it, the three weeks flew by in a flash and now it's time to face reality and go home to my cheating husband.

Jungkook and I decided that if we continued with what we were doing then we would be no better than they were, so we both said that until our divorces were final then we would have to resist temptation, however difficult that may be.

And he was a true gentleman, he kept his professionalism and his distance. Only giving me sly smiles in passing and a slight touch of the hand, just as a way to let me know that he was still around.

Joe stuck by my side through everything, briefing all of the reporters before each press conference to warn them of legal action if they were to bring up my husband's apparent affair during interviews. And it seemed that the thought of being sued made them all want to behave. But of course that didn't stop the online journalists from picking my marriage apart and coming up with a new story every day.

My favourite one being that the four of us apparently have a wife swap situation going on, even as far as Jin and Jungkook having a secret relationship with each other.

I did secretly wish the reporters would ask me about that, just so I could see Jungkook's reaction.

But now as I sit at the gate waiting to board my flight home, the reality starts to set in that I am actually going to have to face this. That at the other end of this flight will be my husband and his lies.

I asked him to stay home, not to pick me up from the airport as the paparazzi would just have a field day when they saw us together and try to conjure up more stories about us. When in reality, I just didn't wanna be seen punching my husband in public.

"Looks like we're sitting together." I hear a voice say, only to look up and see Jungkook smiling down at me.

"Did you plan this Mr Jeon?" I smile back as he takes a seat beside me.

"Maybe." He smirks.

Shifting in his seat, he leans on the armrest before crossing one leg over the other subtly rubbing his foot on my leg. "I'm going to miss you Angel."

"It will be fine. We just have to wait until the time is right." I mutter under my breath, making sure to keep my focus forward as to not arouse any suspicion.

"But when?"

"You will know." I smile, standing to my feet as they call all first class passages to start boarding the plane.

Grabbing my bag, I make my way to the gangway the airport workers scanning my ticket before letting me through. Stepping onto the plane my eyes widen as I walk into the first class area. It doesn't matter how many times I travel first class, I still can't get over how incredible and luxurious they can be.

And as strange as it may sound, I absolutely love aeroplane food. So the first thing I do when I take my seat is grab the menu so I can choose what meals I will have throughout my flight. I intend on spending the next 11 hours in the air stuffing my face and going over my evil plan in my mind. Maybe with a nap here and there.

"Oh my god!" I hear Jungkook yell as he walks into the first class cabin making me laugh. Must be his first time.

Taking his seat beside me, his mouth things open as he looks around the tiny pod that he will call his home for the next 11 hours.

"Angel! Do you see this shit?!" He exclaims, pushing all the buttons beside him making his headrest to go back and forth. "I can't believe Joe gave up his seat for me!"

"He what?" I frown, looking back to see Joe boarding the plane, giving me a wink before turning and making his way back to the economy cabin.

"Yeah, he said he thought maybe we needed to talk about things. Catch up and stuff."

"That sneaky bastard." I mutter under my breath, making Jungkook look over at me for me to just wave it off.

Once everybody had boarded the plane, we pushed back from the gate and finally started our journey home. Once the fasten seatbelt sign was turned off, they started to bring round the food that we had ordered for dinner, making it hard for me to hide my smile as Jungkook did a little dance in his seat when they placed his meal in front of him.

"You know Angel, I've always wanted to join the mile high club." He mumbles with a mouth full of rice, making me choke on my own.

"Not happening!" I cough, downing my glass of champagne as I struggle to catch my breath.

"I don't mean now." He rolls his eyes. "Just maybe in the future. Ya know, when we are finally free to be with each other."

"You really are something else." I breathe out. Not feeling to hold my gaze on his beautiful side profile, noticing how his chiselled jaw moves poetically as he chews on this food.

Placing his fork back on his tray, he wipes his mouth with his napkin before turning to look at me.

"So uh. You and Jin. How's that going?"

"I've barely spoken to him." I shrug, dabbing my own mouth with my napkin. "I told him to stay at home and that Joe will give me a ride. I really don't feel like seeing him for the first time after everything that's happened in an airport."

"Yeah." He nods. "Kelly wouldn't dare show up anyway. She knows that I know she's guilty, I'm half expecting to go home and find that she's moved out. But then the other half of me knows that she will still be there because this isn't the first time she's done this shit."

"Seriously?" I quirk my eyebrow.

"Yep. She even went as far as faking a pregnancy last time. Thinking that I wouldn't leave my pregnant wife, which of course is true. But there was no baby, and I had already agreed to stay."

"That's harsh."

"That's Kelly." He shrugs. "I wonder what bullshit story she has for this one."

After the flight attendant removes the empty plates, the lights in the cabin dim as the Sun starts to set. Rearranging our seats so that they lay flat, both of us get cosy for the night ahead of us. And what the morning will bring.

"Angel." I hear Jungkook whisper, just as I'm about to pull my eye mask down.

Looking over at him, I see that he's leant up on his elbow, his own eye mask resting on his forehead as he smiles over at me. Without a second thought he leans over, pressing his lips onto mine. Sinking back into my makeshift bed I enjoy the first bit of intimacy that he has shown me since we spent the night together three weeks ago.

Pulling back from the kiss, he smiles down at me before pressing one last kiss on my forehead and laying back on his own bed and covering his eyes.

"Goodnight Kookie." I smile, pulling my mask down and turning over to sleep.

"I'll see you on the other side Angel."

And he doesn't mean the other side of the world, or the other side of the night. He means on the other side of the shit that awaits us when we land.

Any of my readers from England? What tier are you? My tiny town down here in the south has just been put into tier 4

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Any of my readers from England? What tier are you? My tiny town down here in the south has just been put into tier 4.
Which means full lockdown. We have just had our Christmas cancelled 😞

Lips Of An Angel    JJK 🔞Where stories live. Discover now