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After dinner we sat around the dining table, Jin telling stories of his time as an actor whilst Kelly listened intently

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After dinner we sat around the dining table, Jin telling stories of his time as an actor whilst Kelly listened intently. Jungkook and I however, we weren't so gripped by them. Yes it's impressive but I've heard them all before, heck I was there for most of them. But it seems like Kelly can't get enough, egging him on with questions that lead to even more stories.

Will it be considered rude if I excuse myself and go to bed?

"And that's how I got the lead. Right beautiful?" He turns to me, snapping me awake before my head almost hits the table.

"Huh?" Oh y-yeah..."

"You tired baby?" Jin chuckles as I try to stifle a yawn.

"A little." I nod, feeling my eyes droop.

"We better get going anyway." Jungkook announces standing to his feet, Kelly pouting as he pulls her up.

"Hey! How about a tour on set tomorrow?" Jin beams as we escort them to the front door, Kelly instantly bouncing excitedly as Jungkook and I shake our heads.

"I'm working tomorrow."

"Me too." Jungkook adds, Jin turning his attention to Kelly.

"How about you Kelly? You want to come and see where I work?"

"Absolutely!" She nods, turning to Jungkook. "You don't mind do you?"

"I suppose not." He sighs, escorting her out the door.

"Great! Jin you have my number, call me tomorrow and we can arrange it. Oh my god! I'm so excited!" She grins whilst skipping out to the car.

After waving them off I'm ready to just fall into bed, today has been so incredibly mentally draining that I just want to sleep it away. But not just yet, the kitchen is still a mess, and I can tell by the way Jin is leaning on the counter playing with his phone, that he's certainly not going to offer to do it.

Biting my tongue, I just get on with loading the dishwasher, trying not to huff each time I look up at him, still stood there making no effort to help.

Just as I think he may change his mind, he tucks his phone back in his pocket, grinning at me as he leans in for a kiss.

"I'm going up to bed."

Stood with my jaw on the floor, I watch as he leaves the room, not taking a second glance before I hear him jogging up the stairs.

This mother fucker! I'm definitely going to hire a maid. If he thinks for one second that I'm going to let this slide, he's got another thing coming. I'm not a housewife! First of all he invites people over for dinner expecting me to cook whilst he gives a tour of the house, which I cleaned by the way. Then he goes and leaves me to clean up the mess afterwards! I know if I cause a tantrum over this, he will just sweet talk me and buy me flowers again. Well not this time Kim Seokjin! It's time for me to stand my ground, and I mean really stand my ground. Let's see how he copes when he runs out of clean underwear shall we?

Anytime he does something for me, it's always stemmed from feeling guilty. Only after an argument will he make an effort. Any other day he expects everything to be done for him.

He called me in a panic once because he needed his shirt to be cleaned. After 15 minutes of him huffing and puffing down the phone because the buttons I was telling him to press on the washing machine were apparently 'not there anymore', I finally figured out that he was stood in front of the tumble dryer...

To the outside world, we are the perfect couple. We have a beautiful home and everything we could have dreamed of. When in fact, their precious Jin is a man child.

A man child that can snap his hips in such a perfect rhythm when he's smashing me from behind, that it makes me seem to forget everything else.

Biting my lip as I start to think of his sex appeal, I finally manage to finish with the cleaning. Loading the last dish before turning the machine on. Once I hear it start to kick on, I throw the dish cloth on the counter, grateful that today is finally over and I get to go to bed. Let's see if I get to experience that perfect snap of those hips tonight shall we?

Shocked to find all of the lights already out when I walk into the bedroom, I can just about make out Jin's silhouette in the bed, the moonlight peering through the window highlighting his face as I walk closer.

"Are you asleep baby?" I whisper as I approach the bed.

"Almost." He groans, turning onto his side.

Taking one last look at his sleepy pout, I give up on the idea of make up sex. Feeling tired myself, I retreat to the en-suite bathroom, cleaning my face of my makeup before brushing my teeth.

Coming out from the bathroom, I giggle slightly as I notice he's out cold. His subtle snore giving it away when I lean down to kiss him on the cheek.

Changing into my nightgown, the room suddenly lights up, his phone on his nightstand flashing beside him catching my attention.

I know I shouldn't. But then again, I should. As his wife, why shouldn't I know who is texting my husband at near on midnight.

Creeping back to his side of the bed, I pick up his cell phone, holding it in front of his face waiting for his facial recognition to register before it opens his messages.

Thanks again for tonight, It was a lot of fun. Y/N is a great cook! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Call when you wake up so I know when I need to be ready. Eeek! I'm so excited!

Kelly x

'That's sweet of her' I think to myself as I place his phone back on the nightstand, before walking around the bed and climbing in beside him.

I don't know what I was expecting to find, or why I feel like I wanted to find something. It's a very strange feeling when you think you're about to catch a cheater. Especially when you actually catch them. It's like HA, I caught you, but also like, hang on, you're cheating on me?


Maybe I do have nothing to worry about after all.

Maybe I do have nothing to worry about after all

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Jk in that hat does things to me 🥵

Oh and I have a new ff also hehe

Oh and I have a new ff also hehe

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Lips Of An Angel    JJK 🔞Where stories live. Discover now