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Sat on the edge of the makeshift bed, Jin jokes and giggles with the crew around him, all of them smiling and hanging on his every word

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Sat on the edge of the makeshift bed, Jin jokes and giggles with the crew around him, all of them smiling and hanging on his every word.

But that's not what's bothering me.

What's bothering me is his co-star Michelle sitting on his lap, sorry excuse me, she's not sat on his lap. She's straddling him!

But then again, that could just be a position for their next scene, but I'm also sure that him resting his head on her boobs like pillows and his hands having a firm grip on her ass are not part of the scene.

Standing in silence, I don't know what to do with myself, I must look like a fool to all of these people on set watching what I am. They know Jin has a wife and yet here he is, all over another woman in front of them.

Watching everything unfold in front of me, my eyes start to well up with tears, not of sadness, of humiliation. He's making me look like a fool.

And right now I just want to get out of here.

Turning to leave I see Hobi, giving me a sympathetic smile as I suck in a deep breath trying desperately not to breakdown in front of anyone.

Shaking my head at him as I start to make my leave I hear someone calling out my name, turning to see the director waving at me.

A silence falls upon the set until I hear Jin calling my name also, watching as he hastily pushes Michelle off of his lap to jump to his feet. Blushing in embarrassment as I observe her smirking at me I still try to walk away, not in the mood for his lame excuses.

"Baby? What are you doing here?" He asks me as he jogs over.

Casting my gaze to the ground as he stands in front of me, I still feel Michelle's eyes burning into me, watching my interaction with my husband as he smiles innocently.

"I uh, I thought you would like some lunch." I tell him, lifting the bag to hand it to him.

"You did?" He beams, taking the bag from my grasp. "Let's go to my trailer?" He tells me, trying to take my hand.

"Uh actually, I'm suddenly not feeling so good, I think I'm just gonna head home."

"You're sick?" His expression changes instantly, bringing his hand up to rest the back of it on my forehead.

"No, I dunno. I just want to go home that's all." I shake him off, stepping back with my arms folded across my chest.

"You're not pregnant are you?" He whispers lowly, stepping forward so no one else will hear. "You've been taking your pill right?"

"Yes Jin." I sigh. "I'm still taking it, don't worry. I'll just see you at home okay?"

"Let me take you." He says, grabbing my arm as I'm turning to leave again. "You shouldn't drive if you're not feeling good baby."

"No it's okay." I tell him, looking past him at the smug woman sat on the edge of the bed. "You're busy anyway."

"You're sure?" He asks again, pulling at my arm.

"Yeah I'm sure. Just go back to do whatever the hell it is that you were doing." I spit at him, pulling my arm free before walking off.

"Leaving so soon?" I hear the most irritating voice I have heard calling out for me, stopping me in my stride. Smacking my tongue on the roof of my mouth her audacity has me boiling inside. I literally just caught her straddling my husband and now she's acting like the big I am because I'm deciding to leave without causing a scene.

"What was that?" I turn to face her, her minions giggling around her whilst she flips her long 'fake' hair over her shoulder.

"You just got here and you're leaving. Why won't you stay and support your husband?" She pouts. "If I was his wife I would never leave his side."

"Oh fuck off!" I sneer, Jin looking on in disbelief as I turn back to face him. "I'll talk to you about this when you get home." I grit, my finger pointing in his face before shoving the door open, letting it slam shut behind me as I storm through the lot.

Still seething as I walk back into the house my face feels like it's on fire. How dare she speak to my like that?! And him! Not even putting her in her place. He just stood there staring at me as if he was shocked by my behaviour! Mine!

My eyes instantly falling on the roses in the dining room, I can't help but scoff. Five dozen long stem roses for each year he's known and adored me. More like 60 roses of guilt!

It all makes sense now. All the late nights on set, coming home smelling like she'd been in his lap. Well now I know she actually has! The disrespect is unbelievable.

He's sleeping with her. He must be, otherwise why would she feel like she had the grounds to be able to say something like that to me. Accuse me of being unsupportive. Fucking bitch!

Taking deep breath's through my nose and out my mouth I try my hardest to calm myself, my eyes stinging with tears as I begin to imagine all the things they could have done together. The way her hands were in his hair as he laughed at her pathetic jokes. The way his hands held her close to his body.

With my mind becoming numb my hands instinctively reach out, grabbing a hand full of the roses shredding them to pieces, not caring that the thorns are ripping my skin open. My vision blurred with tears I keep shredding, throwing the remains around the room as I scream out in pain. Pain from knowing the man I love has gone behind my back.

Pain from knowing the man I love, is having an affair. Something I loved him enough to stop myself from doing also.

"Well fuck you Jin!" I seethe, walking back out to my car.

You're only getting this update a day early because someone begged

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You're only getting this update a day early because someone begged.
You owe me!

Lips Of An Angel    JJK 🔞Where stories live. Discover now