Part 57 - A little help

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"Not possible...", you mumbled in utter shock.

"What is it ? What do you see, that I clearly can't see ?", Loki asked irritated.

You told Loki the spell and he repeated it. Then he saw the ghost too and gasped in utter shock.

"Why didn't we see him before ?!", Loki asked in panic.

"Spirits are very hard to see in the world of the living. This spell gives us sight into the spiritual world. With other words he is a ghost.", you answered.

Infront of you stood a black ghost, with the shape of a man. He had red eyes, staring at you and Loki with anger and rage.

"He doesn't look happy...", Loki mumured to you.

"Shut up, Loki Laufeyson !", you yelled at Loki, knowing that he wanted to run away with you.

Loki went stiff and looked at you hurt.

"Hey...", he said offended.

"Laufey....son...?", the ghost asked.

You and Loki jumped at that. You recognized that voice.

"L...Loki ? King Loki Borson ? Is that you ?", you asked unsure.

The dark ghost nodded slowly.

"Do you remember me ? General Destiny Andrea Dust ?", you asked him again.

The ghost's eyes showed more anger and rage at the mention of your name. He flew infront of you in barely a second and pointed a dark finger at your chest.

" !", he hissed out.

You looked at him in utter shock.

"Wait. What ? How did I ever betray and leave you ?"

"You let m-me DIE !", the ghost yelled.

You stared at him in shock.

"You didn't know ? I was with Laufey and didn't know that you needed my help. Odin sent me away and you were nowhere to be found anyway. I didn't want to accidently tear you into trouble."

The red eyes widened in shock.

"What ?"

"I never intented to let you die. I never knew that you needed me."

Borson must have calmed down. He wasn't looking angered anymore. He looked down and crossed his arms over his chest. Then he looked back up at you.

"What do you need ?", he asked calmer.

"I need the map to find my long lost helmet and the Magical book of death. Can you help me, please ?"

"For what ?"

"For returning you. We need you back. Odin erased and tempered with all of our memories. No one remembers you. Hela is banished and as soon as Odin dies she will return and cause Ragnarok upon Asgard. Jotunheim and all the other Realms are against Asgard. I need your help here and we need to undo the spell Odin caused upon all the Nine Realms. I need the Magical book of the Undead."

"How did you remember then ?"

"I died once in Jotunheim, saving Loki's life as an infant and sadly tore him and Laufey apart. It was the only way. I returned as a reborn Baby and had no memories of my passed lives, until recently. Then I found more locked away memories and got them free, remembering more things than I ever did before. Then the spell was broken on me and I found out about tempered memories, you, Baldr, Odin, everything. Not everything is again in place, but it will come back with time."

Borson nodded in understanding.

"I believe I understood your short explanation...And that is Laufey's son, Loki ?"

"Yes. Frigga chose that name with me. I believe I took that name, because I distinctly remembered your name..."

"A little reminder of me then ?"

"Yes. I think it helped me remember too and break the spell...Odin doesn't know for now, but he was on the hunt for the books. I gave Loki one of them."

Borson smiled.

"The Magical book of Illusions and summoning.", he said.

"How did you...?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I watched you some times."

You nodded.

"Follow me...I know where the map is.", Borson told them then.

With that he flew through the halls and you and Loki ran after him. Soon Borson flew through a door and into a room.

"I can't believe it...", you mumbled.

"What ?", Loki asked.

"I gave it to Loki Borson...."

Loki now laughed.

"I told you !"

"Shush you..."

You pushed the door open and entered the room. Borson pointed at a picture of him, Baldr, Bor and their dead Mother with you in it.

"Destroy the frame.", Borson said.

The frame was very beautiful.

(Belongs to rightful owner !!)

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(Belongs to rightful owner !!)

You took it and looked at Borson. He nodded at you and you took a deep breath. Then threw it at the floor with all your might and the glass broke, making cracking and clittering sounds. You pulled out the picture, carefully and then found an old parchment paper, folded nicely.

You unfolded it.

(Just so you know how it was folded

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(Just so you know how it was folded.)

Soon you saw green, blue and a red X on the map. You saw Cold Heart and a line that led you directly to the position of the red X.

"Great ! Now we need to hurry to that place !", you cheered.

You looked up and looked at the ghost.

"Thank you Loki Borson."

"No problem. Now hurry off and do what you have to. We will meet again in my...'grave'..."

You nodded, grabbed Loki's hand and ran out of the Palace.

"Jump on your horse ! We have work to do Loki !"

With that they mounted their horses again and then rode off.

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