Part 43 - Brandon and Iva

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Warning!: Mercieless Destiny(You)! Mention of blood ! And who cares about that too...swearing.

No ones POV...

You stalked closer to them. A dangerous, murderous look on your face.

"Oh dear daughter ! We thought that purple monster had killed you ! I am so glad that you are still alive !", Iva played.

You gave no reaction.

"She is right. We missed you, mourned and cried over you. How are you ? Where were you ?", Brandon played with.

You chuckled darkly.

"Where have I been ? Oh dear PARENTS of mine, I was at a safe place, called...THAT IS NONE OF YOUR FRICKING BUSINESS YOU LITTLE BETRAYING, MANIPULATING, ARROGANT ASSHOLES !!!!", you screamed at them.

They flinched.

"Now, now, Dear. Why so angered ?"

"You pulled me into this shit ! You murdered all those people and pushed it all on me ! Did you really think that I am so blind and stupid ?! I am not born yesterday, to know that Iva's fucking, ugly picture is just a cover for a hole in the wall !! How dumb do you think am I ?!"

They stared at her in shock and then in horror.

"What did you read ?", Iva asked.

"Everything ! Every entry of yours !! Every little piece of letter ! No reason to hide anything ! You are the most unhonorable people in the whole universe !! How could you betray every living being like that, even our own people ?! You are nothing more but a disgrace of this kind !!"

"Well without us here, you wouldn't be here now SWEETHEART !! Keep that in mind !", Iva shouted now in rage and anger.


Loki and the others looked at the scene infront of them and were shocked to hear you say this.

"That is ENOUGH !! Destiny Dust !! Be greatful that we let you become a part of this universe !! And now, erase those clowns on our door and then tell us everything about the universe !!", Brandon commanded you.

Loki scrunched his face up to a scoff. You gave Brandon a dark glare.

"Shut the fuck up, Brandon. You have no say in anything. I am my own master and you are not my parents anymore."

"We are and now you better behave !!"

"I got reborn you sack of shit !! You aren't my parents anymore ! Just meat that I have to kill. And that will be fun..."

Your parents looked at you now in pure horror. Iva even let the covers drop now and scrambled out of the bed. Brandon was close behind. They both scrambled out of the bed, but tripped and then fell on their butt. You sheathed your sword and took out a dagger. Then you walked closer and as you were close enough to Iva, you jumped on her and cut open her main ateries on her hands. Iva screamed in pain.

"Iva !! NO !!", Brandon yelled and quickly crawled to Iva, who laid now alone.

She slowly bled out. They both knew that there was no way that she will survive this.

"B-Brandon...p-please k-kill me...", she whispered.

Brandon looked around and found a hammer out of metal, he went to grab it, but you took it away and everything that could possibly kill them faster and more painless. Brandon looked up at you.

"Why are you so cruel ?! You got what you wanted ! You get to hurt and kill us, isn't that enough ?!"

"No. I want to see you suffer. You wanted the same for me and you made everyone else suffer. Why should I grant you mercy, hmmm ?", you said in a dark voice.

It amused you to see them both so...helpless. It remined you on yourself, whenever you thought about Death, Eternity and the others. You couldn't safe them and were totally helpless...

"Please let me kill her faster ! Please !", Brandon begged.

"No. You shall suffer just like we all did ! I will grant you no mercy !", you shouted angered.

Brandon sobbed now. You scoffed at him.

"Look at you. How pathetic you look.", you said in disgust.

As Brandon looked up, you already stabbed his shoulder. He yelled in pain. You twisted the dagger a little in his shoulder, to make it more painful. After that you stabbed his side, where you didn't hit any organ of his, and twisted there your dagger, making the wound bigger. After you pulled out, you took everything that could help them survive and then left the room, locking the door behind you.

"Have fun having sex now. And even more, have fun in Hel.", you said behind the door.

As you turned around you saw the look of Loki's face. He looked mortified.

"What ? War and revenge isn't always a pretty sight Loki. Better deal with it now than never."

"They were your own parents...", he whispered.

"Which used me for their own gain ! Which never accepted me as a family member ! Which only used me and took from me, never giving something back in turn ! Parents, which always blamed everything on me !", you yelled with tears in your eyes.

Loki and the others stared at you. Loki, Frigga and Laufey gave you even a sorry look. You turned your back on them and sobbed.

"I thought you would know that from Odin, Loki...Just that they were 2 and 100 times worse than Odin...You don't know what they did to me. You don't know my planet and my first life - time... You know nothing of my past.", you said in a dark tone.

"Didn't you had anyone, to who you could have turned to ?", Laufey asked you.

You laughed a broken laugh.

"Like who ?! My grandparents died a long time ago, before I was even born. Brandon killed his own brother and my mother killed her own sister in law and adoptive brother. I had no cousins. All I had was my friends and they could just listen to my suffering, but not do much against it. They always got away without any punishment."

"Oh my...How did you stay sane ?", he asked worried.

You turned around and gave him a small, sad smile.

"Who said that I stayed sane ? I lost myself many times. I even attacked my friends. Until one of them found a spell to block, burry and hide my inner psychopathic self deep in my subconsciousness. But sometimes it still breaks free for at least 1 or 2 minutes...not often but sometimes."

"Is that the reason of your other personalities ?", Loki asked.

"No. Demiseia is my inner psychopathic demon. She was always there, since Brandon and Iva broke me. I split into two. And that was me and her. The other personalities...I don't know...They just came after I was reborn. Some formed themselves and some were dead spirits, who came to me and became a part of me..."

Loki nodded, still confused. He will put the pieces together soon.

"Maybe these personalities are to help you against your darker side. Maybe you can finally erase her.", Frigga said.

You shook your head.

"It is not that easy. WE can't kill her, like you. If someone would kill the part of her, that escaped a long time ago...then we would all die. We need to get rid of the part inside us first and even that is not easy. WE can't destroy her. The one I love has to do it. And that is also not easy."

"Because Demiseia took your love away. Or at least the emotion and feeling.", Loki finished.

You looked at him with a saddened face.


(Words: 1275)

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