Part 37 - Good night story for Loki...

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No ones POV...

"You need to kiss him... My chosen one, isn't he ?"

You looked up at him and nodded slowly. Laufey stared at you.

"I think he doesn't know that it wasn't a joke...but he has my helmet, Devil, and it suits him. Loki is the one. But I have no clue how to approach him...I mean...we are just friends for now."

"Give it time.", Laufey said shrugging his shoulders.

"But my memories can't wait."

"Kiss him, when he is asleep."

You nodded slowly. After some time you and Laufey got bored and talked bullshit...and what Loki did in New York on Midgard...

"WHAT ?!", Laufey angrily said.

"I know ! Not even Thor noticed right away ! Loki didn't do it on free will ! He killed so many people against his own wishes !! He wanted to keep his mouth shut by Odin and even accept his death !! If Darko would not have come to help...he would now be rotting away in the dungeons ! He is totally done with his life..."

"I will kill Odin and his son...", growled Laufey.

"Don't. Odin is an old fool and Thor is a little dumb, but that is no reason to kill one or both of them. I know why Odin wanted Thor on the throne. Thor was easy to control. No matter what Odin would say to Thor...he did it without thinking. Loki was different, he was always the brain in this family, with Frigga."

"You mean...If Odin would tell Thor that he needs to jump out of the highest window, without using Mijonir, and fall down...he would do it, while Loki would think about it and then chose if he would ?"

"Yes ! Exactly like that !"

Laufey started laughing.

After some more minutes you both started guessing what your locked away memories could hide from you.

"Maybe you had a life, before those lives ?", Laufey guessed.

"Maybe...Or I knew something that was very dangerous..."

"Hmm...we will find out..."

You looked at Laufey's clock and realised that it went almost 1 hour away. You stood up.

"I will be right back...", you mumbled and went away.

You went down the stairs and put your ear on the door. You heard snoring...mostly from Thor.

'Oh boy...poor Loki...'

You slowly opened the door and looked around with a magic spell that gave you the ability to see in the dark. Loki was deep a nightmare. He was tossing and turning the whole time. He had sweat on his face and his face was covered in tears. He sobbed quietly. You quickly but quietly ran to his side and knelt beside him.

"No...please hurts...", he mumbled sobbing.

You touched his forehead, it was wet and burning like fire. New tears fell from his eyes. You quickly kissed him on the lips and then shook him awake.

"Loki....Loki ? Loki ! Loki wake the fuck up now !", you whisper - yelled.

He suddenly jolted awake and gasped. He still had tears in his eyes. You quickly pulled him in a tight hug, he hugged back, crying.

"Shhh...Come with me. We go to Laufey and listen to one of his stories. He is a perfect teller."

Loki slowly nodded and you lifted him up, carrying him upstairs. His legs shook too much and you were afraid that he would hurt himself if he would try to walk on his own. He hid his face in your shoulder and still cried. You made it to the living room and as Laufey saw that you brought Loki with yourself he jumped up.

"What happened ?! I will kill the one who hurt him !"

"Calm down Laufey. Loki had a nightmare, a really bad one. I woke him up. How about a story ?"

You sat Loki on the couch and you sat next to him, Laufey sat next to you. The couch was big enough for 4 Frost Giants so...there was enough space for Loki and you to lay down. Loki was the fastest and laid his head in your lap. You were surprised but stroked him. He cuddled even closer to you. Laufey put a blanket over you and Loki and then he was thinking about the past, to tell Loki a story. He had the perfect one and snapped with his fingers.

"Got one ! is a story in the past, but it is my favourite memory."

"Then shoot.", you said.

Laufey smiled and began...

In the story Laufey's POV....

I was 200 years old that day... I was so exited to see my trainer...and best friend in my life. ....Destiny Andrea Dust. We wanted to train my skills in sparing and attacking that day. I saw the Bifrost opening and I knew she was there.

"Hello Laufey ! Are you ready to train today ?", she asked me.

"Heck yes Destiny ! Bring it on !", I answered.

Destiny chuckled and we started. I was very good and after 4 hours we called it a finished training. We hung out and caused a little mischief here and there, but not much. We even drew in my fathers face things. On the end he had thick eyebrows, on his forehead stood 'Laufey and Dest were here !' and he had a ridiculous beard. As he awoke, he was screaming for us and Destiny just left quickly. The next day she let a letter come to us, saying that she had business to handle with the Dark Elves, they started a war and she doesn't know when she will return. It took 5 years and then she returned. My skills were perfect, I didn't need training anymore and we played silly games. Like 'The red flag and the bull'.

"C'mon ! You can do better ! And now...Show me all you got, my bull !", I said excited.

"As you wish, prince Laufey.", she said.

Suddenly she ran at me and I dodged her horns.

"Ole !", I yelled happily.

She started to laughed.

"You are so funny sometimes.", Destiny said.

"Says the one who has horns like a goat !", I said laughing.

Since that day...I called her goat. Ehehe. It was her new nickname. I loved to mock her. She was and still is the only one who understands me. She is fairness herself, Loki. And I knew that from day one I met her.

End of story no ones POV...

"I love her as a friend and that will never change.", Laufey said smiling.

Loki smiled and yawned.

"She really was a good person then...", Loki mumbled softly.

"Oh she still is, my son. She knows that she has to protect the other realms, that was her swear. Not to protect the king, but the nine realms.", Laufey said looking at him.

You smiled.

"You still remember ?"

"Of course I do !", Laufey told you.

Then he stared at Loki with worry.

"Are you cold or good to go ?"

Loki gave Laufey a soft smile.

"I am good to go back to sleep.", he whispered.

Laufey and you smiled at him.

"Good night Loki.", you said.

Suddenly Loki lifted his head and looked at you. You crooked your head in confusion.

"Lay down please ?", Loki asked shy.

You stared at him blushing madly, but did as you got told. Loki then laid his head down on your stomach, but you told him to get more on top of you. He later laid on your chest and fell quickly asleep, smiling. You smiled softly at his sleeping form before you also fell asleep. Laufey smiled at you two and went to get more blankets and a matress. He will sleep on the floor in the living room, just in case something bad should happen, he will feel it first. After he did that, he fell also asleep. Snoring softly.

(Words: 1314)

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