Part 6 - Why ?

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Loki's POV....

Me ?! She must be joking ! Why should I have the book ? She is fooling me ! Why would she give it to me ?!

"Why me ?"

Your POV....

"Why me ?", he asked.

I smiled at him.

"Because, dear Loki, you are my best friend, even if Asgard would fall apart, we would still protect each other. You teached me many things and still do. Because of you, I have a great family, time and great friends. I live a better life than before and I am thankful for that and your kind heart. I also trust you. I would thrust my life into your hands and trust you, that you will protect it. The book can't control you also, because you are the God of Mischief and Lies. I know that title is shit, but it's the truth and sometimes it's good to have that title."

Loki stared at me, surprised of my speech to him. He needed a few minutes to process of all what I just said. Then he smiled at me.

"Thank you."

"You are very welcome. Now, get on one knee for the swear and you have it until I or Agnus need or want it back."

He nodded, still smiling and did as he got told. I started...

"Do you, Loki Odinson, swear to protect this book with your life and soul ?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to keep the book a secret, even if you are in serious trouble because of it ?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to hide it so good, that not even Heimdall and Odin themselves can find it ?"

"I swear."

"And do you swear to never use the magic, you learn in there, against someone who is mortal and to just to use the magic, if it's absolutely necessary ?"

"I swear."

"Then, hereby I make you, in the might of my parents and their parents before them, to the protector of the book of illusions and summoning."

I summoned his nailfile, transformed it to an dagger and went with it from his right shoulder to his left. As if I would appoint him to a knight.

"You may stand up now, Loki, my friend and helper."

He got up and smiled at me. The others clapped their hands and cheered. After 2 minutes I held up my hand, everyone went silent. I was so right that he may will be a part of our clique....


"We have a question on you, Loki Odinson."

He looked at me and nodded, that I should continue.

"Will you be a part of our clique too ? We are searching for someone like you. You are entertaining, funny and many other things. The reason why I ask now all of a sudden is, because we all would like you to be our friend and a member of us. That was the real reason why I brought you here today. Having a great 1st April and have some exciting surprises. What is your answer ?"

Loki looked at us all, he thought about it, then he smiled.

"I accept. I will be gladly a part of you all."

We all smiled and cheered. After that we made a big group hug and we went deeper inside the forest, to another point. We had a very big tree house. 30 big rooms, the house was over 5 trees long and 6 trees bright. We built even some bridges here and there. Loki was amazed.

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