Part 8 - Loss and pain to go through...

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Loki's POV....

I rode there as quick as I could. I needed to ask her so many things. How did she do, all those years ? Why did she got banished to exile ? Why didn't her friends meet with me anymore with time ? What did she do ? All these questions...and no answers ! After 15 minutes I was in her room alone and waited that she wakes up. After that I need to talk with Odin...I need to know something... I need to know, if I am cursed or something...


She wakes up !

Your POV....

Am I dead ? No. I felt pain in my body... What a dream...Odin took me back and Thor and Loki were there and Thor was such a jerk, Loki attractive...god, Laufey would kill me, if I told him about it...


Someone grabbed my hand, Laufey I guess.

" would never guess what a twisted dream I had... I dreamed that I saw my childhood friend, Loki, again and he had longer hair... and then this jerk, Thor. Big mouth, arrogant and just an ass. And war would be between us and Asgard again, because of that little dumbass... I mean what a weird dream is that ? Eh ?"

I giggled, still eyes closed, Laufey didn't respond. I stopped laughing.

" caught your tongue ? It was just a dream. Did I took your breath away or something ?"


"Laufey ?"

I opened my eyes and didn't saw Laufey, instead I saw Loki. I sat up quick and jerked back.

"No.... I am still in my dream... this didn't happen in real... Did it ?"

Loki looked at me, then at the ground.

"It happened in real. You passed out, because of too much bloodloss, at the gate and Heimdall brought you here, as fast as he could."

I stared at him.

"That means... I am home again ?"

"Yes, that means you are home again."


"You...aren't happy ?"

"No ! I hate Asgard... Odin banished me from here, my friend died here, my parents were here, my cat I had was here and I am hated here, because I get pushed into something, I had never done ! And now, Laufey hates me too, because you idiots didn't leave and I didn't want you to die back there !!!! Thanks for nothing !"

I screamed at my best, childhood, friend. It felt good, but also wrong. He didn't do anything to me and he wanted to go. I calmed down. Loki still stared at the ground, frowning.

"I am sorry, Loki. You didn't do anything wrong... I- thank you for saving my life. I'm sorry that I screamed at you...I didn't mean to."

He still stared down, frowning.

"I am sorry. That doesn't change anything, Loki. I don't hate you, I know you tried your best to leave with the others too. I am just mad at Thor and his dumb friends."

"I have a question..."

"Okay...go ahead. I am listening."

"Why are you so mad right now ? Just because the war or something else too ?"


I sighed.

"I was about to take the throne in a few weeks. I wanted to show Odin with that, that I wasn't dangerous. If I would have had the full control over the planet, we would of had possibly gotten the casket back and save Jotunheim and the truce would still be intact. That was my plan..."

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