Sokeefe - Netflix

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Hey! So I've decided to start out with a Sokeefe one, mostly because I've already written it and I love Sokeefe SO MUCH. 


 Sophie stood at the edge of the cliff, gazing down at the dark blue ocean, illuminated by the light of the moon and thousands of tiny, bright stars.

Keefe had invited her to a so-called 'secret spot' to hang out, but didn't elaborate if anyone else was coming. In all honesty, she didn't trust Keefe to be alone with her. Or herself to be with him.

She had plucked an image of the place from his mind so she could teleport. All she had to do was jump.

She took a step forward, off the cliff, and envisioned the tall, dark trees and the giant treehouse nestled in them. The place Keefe wanted her to meet him at.

Her mind split a crack in the void, causing loud thunder to boom over the otherwise quiet night.

She fell out of the sky, making sure to catch herself and levitate. She didn't want a rough landing, or an Elwin visit.

As she landed on soft, green grass surrounding by the dark oak trees, she couldn't help but marvel at the pure beauty of the forest in the dark. The way the moon solemnly shone over the treetops, and how you could see the stars peeking between the leaves... it was quite a sight to behold. The wind rustled the branches of the trees, and Sophie shivered at the feel of the cool breeze. She should've worn warmer clothes.

Sophie turned at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Foster! Nice to see ya here!" Keefe was standing on a balcony in a treehouse, high into the sky, about 20 feet up.

Keefe grinned and tossed a rope ladder off the balcony. "Come on up!" He shouted. Sophie could hear the pure joy in his voice without even seeing his face.

She climbed up, soft fronds of the tree branches around her tickling her skin as she ascended.

When she made it to the top, she smiled with pleasure. It was perfect. Bean bags rested on the wooden floor, blankets and pillows shrouding them. A giant human tv rested in front of them, the Netflix symbol on the screen. Keefe was lounging in a nearby bean bag, covered in blankets with a remote in his hand. He grinned brightly.

"Welcome, Foster, to my treehouse!"

"Keefe," she said sternly, "Where'd you get the human tv?"

"Oh, that?" He joked. "That was a gift from a friend. Anyway, I found this super cool thing on here, but I don't know what it is because I can't understand English. Maybe you could, like, implant the knowledge into my brain or something?" He asked, tapping his head with one finger.

Sophie sighed and replied, "I guess I could try. I've done it before, with Fitz, when we were trying to bottle quintessence."

The mention of Fitz made Keefe's grin droop, but only for a second, and it was so subtle that Sophie barely caught it. She raised an eyebrow slightly at him.

But, instead of questioning him, she closed her eyes and thought of all the English words she knew of, from her time in the Forbidden cities. I took her a while, due to the fact that she hasn't spoken English in a while and all of her memories of it were at the back of her mind. But once she collected everything, she thrust the memories into Keefe's mind.

He gasped, then told her, "Whoa. That's really cool."

It took her a second to realize that he'd spoken English. She smiled. "It worked!"

"Yep. Now time to get the party started," Keefe said, scrolling through movies on Netflix. He stopped on a horror movie. The Shining. (I know it's not actually on Netflix, but I don't care. They're watching it)

"Uh, you might not want to watch that, Keefe. It's pretty scary," Sophie warned.

"I'm not scared," he replied. "But we can watch something else if you want."

"No, it's fine, I saw it with my human family." Her eyes teared up slightly at the memory of her human family, but she shook her head and thrust the thought from her mind. "It's pretty good," she continued.

"Alright, then," Keefe said, clicking on the movie with his remote. It started to play.

Sure enough, less than an hour later, Keefe was huddled up against Sophie, screaming whenever a jumpscare popped on.

"Do you want me to pause it?" Sophie offered.

"No! I'm not scared," Keefe said, still pressed against her.

"Are you sure? Because you look pretty scared-"

"No! I'm fine!"

"Okayyyyy," she said skeptically, smiling when Keefe snuggled closer to her.

The movie soon ended, and Keefe was still curled up next to Sophie, his head in her lap.

He allowed her to run her fingers through his hair, comforting both of them after the scary film.

"Do you want to watch something else?" Sophie asked Keefe.

"Nah..." he muttered sleepily. "Just stay."

She nodded, leaning back in her bean bag. She closed her eyes, glad to be here with Keefe.


Not bad for my first one, huh? I'm pretty proud of it.

Anyway, make sure to tell me what you want me to do next! 

Bye for now, friends!

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