"that's why"-sokeefe

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TW: panic attack, self harm, mental illness, some cursing

Sophie slammed her bedroom door behind her as she sank down into her flowered carpet.

"No, no, no, no, it's happening again," she frantically whispered to herself, the words repeating over and over in both her mind and through her lips.

This past week has been overwhelming. She was so busy with regent work that she hadn't paid attention to her own body or mind. She had barely slept for days and her body was dripping with exhaustion.

Her throat clogged up, and she tried desperately to take a deep breath, to calm herself down, but to no avail.

Tears leaked from her eyes as she curled into a ball on the soft floor, hugging her knees to her chest.

She continued to gasp and struggle for air as she laid there. She wanted to pass out and throw up at the same time. She wanted it all to stop, to end. She wanted everything to end.

"Sophie?" Keefe peeked his head through the door, his eyes scanning the room before he eventually found her curled up on the ground.

"Sophie! Are you okay?" He asked as he ran to her. She didn't answer, snot and hot tears still running down her face as she gasped and sobbed.

Keefe knelt by her, and asked "Can I help you up?" When she nodded, he gently helped her into a sitting position near him.

"Breathe with me," he murmured to her, looking into her eyes. "Ready?"

She nodded. "Inhale, one, two, three..." he counted off the seconds as he lead her through a sort of calm breathing exercise. She struggled, but eventually was able to do it.

"Okay, you did great. Now tell me five things you can see," Keefe said, gently holding her hands.

As she listed off the items, she felt immeasurably grateful that Keefe was here. If he didn't find her, some shit could've gone down.

She looked down at the scars on her wrist, causing Keefe to look at them too.

He didn't say anything, he just stared at them. Sophie wished he would say something. Anything. Silence is worse than sympathy.

He still said nothing. Instead, he brought her wrist to his lips and lightly kissed it.

"Why?" Sophie pondered aloud.

"I'm healing them," Keefe's usual smirk emerged.

"You know that's not possible. They're scars. They'll be with me forever."

"That's okay. I'm not trying to erase them. Just heal them. There's a difference." His tone turned slightly more serious.

"And the difference is?"

"Getting rid of them erases the fact that the scars are only there because you survived. Because you made it, and you're here with me right now. That's why."


Hi. I know I haven't updated this in forever, and I'm sorry about that. I'll try to update more.

This one's darker than my usual ones. I tried to accurately show panic attacks, and if I didn't do it right, please let me know. I want to improve my writing and this is an important subject that I already know some stuff about.

I hope you liked it, though.

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