After Unlocked: Part Two

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Hello again! Here's the sequel to the last oneshot. I'll probably do one or two more parts of this story. Enjoy!

Sophie threw her door open loudly, causing Sandor, who was standing guard outside her door, to jump.

"Miss-Miss Foster," he squeaked. "Where are you going?"

She didn't answer.

She bolted down the stairs, through the living room to the front door, which she barged through without hesitation. She ran as if her life depended on it, her gaze only focused on one thing.

The cliff. She could teleport to him.

When she arrived, she stared down the side of the steep slope towards the water. The beautiful, clean waters were almost perfectly clear, and reflected the dusk-time sunset vibrantly.

'Keefe would have liked this sunset', she thought. The recollection of him, despite the briefness of it, brought fresh tears to her eyes. A single one trickled out as she began to step off the cliff.

A pair of hands yanked her back before she could fall.

"Miss Foster, STOP!" Sandor's high-pitched voice squealed.

"Just let me go!", Sophie screamed. She thrashed, trying to escape from Sandor's arms, yet he was too strong.

"Jus-just let me go." Tears trickled down her face as she sobbed. Her knees refused to work and she sank down into Havenfield's long, green grass, Sandor holding her gently.

She closed her eyes, and two other pairs of arms wrapped around her. She looked up.


And Grady.

"Kiddo-I'm so sorry," he whispered softly to her, a surprising amount of sadness coating his voice.

They sat there for a while. Edaline soon joined the hug, murmuring sweet words to Sophie.

She soon ran out of tears, but continued to sit there, warm arms encircling her.

"Can-can I be alone now?" Sophie asked hesitantly, wiping her wet eyes with the backs of her hands.

"Of course, honey," Edaline said as the embrace ended. Grady and Edaline both kissed her on the head, and everyone left.

Sophie trudged sleepily to the Panakes tree and sat down under the pink-purple flowered branches, illuminated by the moon and stars. Fingering some blossoms, she recalled everything Keefe had ever said to her, ever done for her...

She remembered his smirk. His laugh. The way he teased her. His warm hugs.

But she also remembered his tears. Every time he thought that he wasn't enough or doubted himself. His sadness, his anger at his mother.

That's why he was hiding. To protect himself-and to protect Sophie-from what his mother did to him.

She understood why he left.

But that didn't mean she liked it.

Yet, she had to carry on, as he told her to.

But how could she carry on when the most important person in the world to her was gone?

She didn't know.

But she would have to figure it out.



Thanks for reading! I hoped you liked it.

I'll update soon, I promise. Bye!

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