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Thought it was about time to make a Marellinh one! Enjoy!

"This way," she whispered, her voice filling Marella's ears like music.

"Where are you taking me?" Marella asked as they hiked though the field of tall grass and wildflowers.

"You'll see," Linh answered, looking over her shoulder at Marella, a soft smile on her face.

They walked more, Linh occasionally reaching down to brush a brightly colored flower with her fingers or to adjust her grip on Marella's hand.

As the sun slowly sank more and more towards the horizon, Linh suddenly stopped, bringing Marella forward to see what Linh was looking at. 

A blanket had been lain out on the soft grass, with food on it and flowers surrounding it.

"Oh Linh, did you set this all up for me?" Marella asked, staring at her girlfriend, a smile tracing its way onto her face.

Linh nodded silently, and they sat down on the blanket and began to eat. It was the most peaceful Marella had ever felt, just sitting there, with her girlfriend, in a beautiful field of flowers.

After eating, they lay on the blanket, side by side, watching the sun set as it cast bright colors into the sky.

"I love you," Marella whispered to Linh.

"I love you too," she whispered back, leaning over to brush her lips to Marella's in a sweet kiss.

They lay there, long into the night, in a comfortable silence, simply happy to be with each other. 

And it was perfect.


I'm sorry it's so short! But I'm proud of it and I'm practically squealing from the cuteness. I love them so much! Ahh! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it! Bye!

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