Laser Tag

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Another Human Au! This one's Sokeefe. They are all in high school in this one, and Sophie and Keefe are dating. Enjoy!

"Hey Foster!" Keefe shouted, running over to Sophie from down the hall of their high school.

"What?" Sophie questioned once Keefe was walking beside her.

"I was talking to Fitz and Biana earlier and we thought it would be fun if we all went over to the laser tag place after school. Just you, me, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Tam, Linh, and possibly Marella," Keefe responded, giddy. He slipped his hand into Sophie's. She could still hardly believe that they were actually dating.

"That would be cool! Just one thing... I've never played laser tag before," Sophie responded.

"Wait. You've never played laser tag? C'mon, Foster. Really?"

"Well... yeah. Remember, I was in the foster care system for most of my life. I never had a family or friends to do that kind of stuff with."

Keefe looked down, adverting his gaze. "Oh. I'm so sorry." He mentally cursed himself, then said, "Hey, but now you have a family and friends to do awesome stuff with. And we'll teach you the rules. It's pretty simple and really fun."

"Well, I'm excited to finally have a chance to shoot lasers at my friends," Sophie joked. Keefe looked up and grinned at her, a genuine, loving smile that made Sophie have to smile back.

The first bell rang, and they were off to class.

——————— t i m e s k i p ———————

Sophie sat in math class, fidgeting. She was somewhat nervous for her first game of laser tag. What was it like? What if she forgot a rule or tripped or somehow messed it up for all of her friends?

Her thoughts were torn from her as the teacher called her name. "What?" She exclaimed abruptly.

"I asked, Ms. Foster, what the answer to this equation is?" The teacher responded, tapping her expo marker against the white board.

Sophie stared at the equation, then looked down at her notes. "It's, um, x squared times y cubed divided by seven."

"Correct," her teacher said.

Sophie breathed a sigh of relief. She'd never liked math, but at least she could do it.

For the rest of class, Sophie waited anxiously for the final bell to ring. As soon as it rang, she packed up, and met up with Keefe.

All of her friends were with him when she found him, including Marella.

Keefe greeted Sophie with a kiss on the cheek, making her flush bright pink. He smirked at her, and they all made their way into their high school's parking lot.

Since there were so many of them, they all decided to take their separate cars: Sophie with Keefe in his cherry red Tesla, Dex and Marella riding in the back, and Biana in her sleek BMW with Tam, Linh, and Fitz.

Soon, they all arrived at the nearby arcade, which had the laser tag inside of it.

They entered the stocky building, and as soon as they entered, Sophie was hit with the strong smell of pizza and pretzels in the air. She smiled a bit at the scent, glad to be there with all her friends. She slipped her hand into Keefe's and they walked to the laser tag area together. Her friends cheered behind them, chanting, "LASER TAG! LASER TAG!"

Sophie gasped in pleasure as they stepped into the laser tag area and their clothes glowed from black lights hanging from the ceiling. A tv explained the rules to them, and Sophie listened intently, not wanting to mess this up. She didn't want to embarrass herself around her friends.

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