Chapter 8 (my favorite so far <3)

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“What are you doing here at this late time?!” I asked him. “Well, I was worried about you. I heard that you were all alone so I decided I would accompany you.” Niall said. “Thanks for the offer, but no thanks.” I tried denying his offer but he just kept talking about crimes and how I could get hurt.

I agreed so that I could shut him up. He was still standing on the doorstep and we were just exchanging an eye conversation. (a conversation where your eyes do the talking xD) “Aren’t you gonna let me in?” he said leaning in the huge plant we put in our doorstep.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I FORGOT about you.” I let him in and he removed his shoes, showing his stripey socks. “Nice socks.” I scoffed. “Is that supposed to be a compliment Ms. Tiffany?” he said in a royal-ish kind of accent. I laughed at his horrible imitation of accents and he tagged along.

When we finally stopped laughing and let him sit on the couch while I grab him some food. He agreed and I skipped towards the kitchen. I got some bread and orange juice for him since there was nothing else left in the fridge. There were also some maoms, I got them too.

I came back to the living room and saw Niall with a big smile. “I guess you can eat those.” I handed him the food. “Thanks” he replied. “Niall, you look knackered. What’s wrong?” I sat beside him on the couch and hugged my slender legs.

“Oh, nothing. You know, just busy with stuff. Recording, the boys and…” I stopped him from continuing and softly patted his head. “You should relax sometimes, big boy.”

He gave me a weak smile and I smiled back. We were just smiling at each other when I remembered that the television upstairs was still on. “Niall, wait here. I’m gonna turn something off.” I got up and looked at him.

“You look cute.” Niall complimented. I was actually wearing a mickey mouse hoody and my pyjamas. What was so cute about that?! “Um, thanks.” I turned red and ran upstairs. I entered my room and the channel was still Disney.

This time, Lady and the Tramp was on. I loved that movie so much. I wanted to watch it but I couldn’t leave Niall downstairs alone. I figured I could just watch it downstairs since we had a TV there also.

I turned it off and grabbed a soft pillow. I scuttled downstairs and turned the TV on. “WOOHOO! Just on time! It’s not yet done!” I yelled happily. “What’s not yet done?” Niall asked in a weak way. “Lady and the Tramp. I LOVE THAT MOVIE!” I said.

“Woah, you like that movie? I like that movie too!” his weak voice turned to an excited one. I nodded and sat down beside him, hugging my pillow. We laughed at the sweet moments and just enjoyed ourselves. I was getting tired and my eyes were really droopy.

When the ‘spaghetti kissing scene’ came I couldn’t take my weariness already so I automatically shut my eyes, accidentally falling asleep in Niall’s arms.


I guess Tiffany got tired so she fell asleep. I was tired too but looking at Tiffany sleeping firmly in my arms made me stronger. She looked so beautiful, even when asleep. I just wanted to tell her that I loved her and I wanted to make her mine. But, I couldn’t just do that.

I want to get to know her more and more. Lady and the Tramp ended and I clapped softly for that beautiful movie. I grabbed the remote beside me and turned the television off. I looked back at Tiffany. I was mesmerized by her.

That girl, she had something most girls don’t have. And I liked that. She was different, but in such a striking way. A way that made me like her so much. I watched her chest rising and falling and then her face. Her beautiful, beautiful face.

I caressed her soft face and whispered ‘I love you’. She squirmed and smiled, but with her eyes closed. I thought she would wake up but she didn’t. She continued sleeping and dreaming. Was she dreaming about me? I laughed at myself for thinking that and yawned.

I was getting sleepy too. I leaned in in Tiffany’s head and closed my eyes.



I was surprised by the alarm, I opened my eyes. I let go of my pillow and saw Niall sleeping deeply beside me. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked around and saw the alarm clock. I carefully slip out of Niall’s delicate hands and turned it off. I smiled at Niall and stroked his face.

Waaaaaait, what was I doing?! I stopped and jerked away. That was awkward. Ew, why did I do that? What is wrong with me? I was just there, standing, looking at Niall Horan, sleeping soundly in MY couch. My phone distracted me by its buzz.

I unlocked it and saw yet, another text from my mom.

From: Mom                                                8:23 am    Dec. 20, 2012

Good morning honey. How are you? I’m going home in about 15 minutes. Make sure you didn’t do anything naughty, AHA. I made a joke.

WHAT?! IN 15 MINUTES?! Niall was still here, and my mom, who has a malicious mind, would think that he and I…..

Oh no! I gotta wake him up! “Niall, Niall!” I tugged at his shirt and gently patted his adorable cheeks. He looked surprised and startled. “Huh? What? Why? Is there fire?” He panicked. “No, there isn’t. but… MY MOM IS COMING HOME IN 15 MINUTES!”

His eyes widened. I thought he would freak out and leave the house before my mom arrived but he didn't. Instead, he just said “That’s great!” I gasped at his calmness. “HOW IS THAT GREAT?! SHE’S GONNA THINK THAT YOU AND I….”

“Hanky pankied?” Niall continued. “YEAH!” I seized his hand and he stood up. “I want to meet her, Tiffany.” Niall retorted. “What?” I asked with a surprised face. “I want to meet your mom.” He said with a serious face. “Why would you want to do that?” I asked.

“Because….” He paused. “Because?” I asked him again. “Because, I like you Tiffany, I love you. Ever since the day I’ve met you. I felt a spark that made me feel love once more. I wanted you to be mine since then. I want you, Tiffany.”

My heart started beating quickly and I found myself looking at Niall’s ocean blue eyes. “I…I…” I stammered. He grabbed me by my waist and suddenly his lips were on mine. I kissed him back, raised my arms, and linked them around his neck.

Just then, the door open. We both turned towards the door’s direction, my arms still around his neck. It was Lauryn. “Ohhhh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for disturbing. I’m going…” she said, covering her eyes like she just saw something illegal.

I unlinked arms and Niall removed his hands in my waist. He placed his hands in his jean’s pockets and whistled. “Lauryn, wait!” I ran after Lauryn who went outside. “O my gosh, did you just KISS HIM?!” she yelled with excitement.

“Urghh. That was nothing. Forget that THAT happened!” I forced her. “That was…. Good for you mate, good for you.” She happily sing-songed. I punched her at the side and we both laughed. “Let’s go back, MY niall’s waiting.” I smiled at her and we both went back inside.


Hey guys, thanks for reading (: I know this chapter is REALLY short, especially chapter 7. THIS IS MY FAVORITE CHAPTER CAUSE TIFFANY AND NIALL'S GOT THEIR FIRST KISS <3

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