One Lucky Call (One Direction fan fiction)

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“Tifanny!” my bestfriend yelled from downstairs. “Would you stop eating and get your ass up here?!” I giggled and grabbed my bowl of mojos. “Fine, chill okay?! I’m coming!”

Today was a special day. Me and my bestfriend were going to have a sleepover. But of course, as usual, she came quite early. I grumbled as I climbed upstairs.

“Do you know how hungry I am?!” I gave Lauryn a furious look. She rolled her eyes and said “You’re always hungry Tifanny!” I giggled at what she said. Yup, I admit it. I keep getting hungry, like EVERY.SINGLE.SECOND. Where food was I was there. How could you possibly resist the call of those things?!

I ran towards the bed and jumped on it making some of the mojos fall. “NO!” I shouted with fear. Lauryn rolled her eyes once again and immediately grabbed the mojos that fell. “HEY! THAT WAS MINE!” I said and pouted.“What should we do next?” Lauryn asked.

“I don’t really know.” I continued eating MY mojos. “AHAH!”

“What’s your idea now?” I turned my head to Lauryn’s direction. “How ‘bout prank calls?” Lauryn said with a big smile on her face. “I have something better! How about we diall random numbers?!” I said with a bigger smile on my face. “Yeah! You always have the best ideas Tiff!”

Lauryn grabbed her cellphone and I grabbed mine. “Hmmmmm, number?” I asked.

“Umm, combine our favorite numbers.” Lauryn suggested. I nodded and started dialling the numbers. I put my phone on loud speakers so Lauryn could hear too. “It’s ringing Laurs!” We were paying close attention until the ringing stopped.

“Hello?” the guy who answered said with an irish accent. I stared at Lauryn for awhile and froze. “Do you think it’s….” Lauryn said with a weak voice. “No, it couldn’t be, there’s a million of irish guys out there. We were quiet for a little while until the guy with an irish accent broke the silence with a cute laugh. “Hello? Sorry for disturbing you sir. Were terribly sorry.” I tried acting polite so we wouldn’t get in trouble. “Oh, it’s okay. I used to do this before.”

I smiled and gave the phone to Lauryn. “Hello, do you happen to be Niall Horan? Yes, THE Niall Horan. 1/5 of One Direction?” Lauryn asked. I gave Lauryn a “are-you-crazy?!” look. She mouthed “what?” and continued chatting away. I grabbed my phone and told “Niall Horan” goodbye.

“ARE YOU CRAZY?! THAT WAS NIALL HORAN!” Lauryn stood up and slapped me. OUCH. “Are you really that gullible?! Why would you actually believe that was THE NIALL HORAN?!”

“Well, he had an irish accent!” Lauryn explained. “You think every person who has an irish accent is Niall Horan!” I rolled my eyes and put my phone inside my closet. “Well that’s a weird place to put your phone.”

“I don’t care.” I stuck my tongue out and grabbed Lauryn’s hand. “Let’s eat.”

“AGAIN?!” Lauryn stopped me. “Yeah, why?” I gave her a serious look. “I’ve eaten 4 and a half bowls of mojos, 5 chicken wings and 3 pizzas today. I’m stuffed!”


Hey guys! How's it goin? I'm sorry if you didn't like it because I don't know what's going on my head nowadays(must be One Direction xD) I hope you liked it! Comment, fan and vote! :D

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