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After breakfast, Celestia and Luna make their way to Celestia's room. They had said goodbye to Dreamstar a while ago, who had to go back to her room to get some paperwork done. Once they reach Celestia's room, they sit down on her bed.

Celestia- Sister, last night you said that Dreamstar wasn't ok. What was that about?

Luna- I found out that her evil side Shadow Eclipse has been trying to get her to join the evil side. My daughter told me what happened when we were together yesterday, and Shadow even showed herself to me. When need to make sure to protect Dreamstar at all cost!

Celestia- This is indeed bad news. But, you're right sister, we must protect her at all costs. 


???- Oh Tia, you do not know what is coming. 

Back in Canterlot

Celestia- *shivers*  

Luna- Are you okay, sister?

Celestia- I felt her magic, she is going to return soon.

Elsewhere again

???- Oh Lulu, you will not be able to protect your daughter from me. *cackles*


Luna- *shivers* Sister, I felt her magic too. How will we protect Dreamstar from her?

Celestia- I don't know...but I fear that we do not have much time.

Both sisters hug each other, hoping the coming events would end well. Meanwhile, Dreamstar is in her room, reading a book about the Crystal Empire. 

Dreamstar- *whispers to herself* This is so interesting, my father's culture is amazing. 

Shadow Eclipse- *appears* So your reading about your father's culture, that has to be entertaining.

Dreamstar- *looks at Shadow* Yes, why do you care?

Shadow Eclipse- I care because your father is important. *sits next to her*

Dreamstar- *looks down* Just leave me alone... *looks at the book* Though, why do the books not say anything about how he turned evil.

Shadow Eclipse- That is odd, but I won't leave you alone. *nuzzles her*

Dreamstar- *moves away but, then accepts the nuzzle* Maybe my mom can tell me... *closes her eyes* 

Shadow Eclipse- *sees her close her eyes, smirks* Yes...maybe, or you could join me and we can find the answer together. 

Dreamstar- *smirks* Maybe... *opens her eyes* But, I'm not falling for your trick again. 

Shadow Eclipse- *looks and sees her eyes aren't glowing* What! I thought you were under my spell.

Dreamstar- I wasn't, so please leave me alone. 

Shadow Eclipse- *growls* Fine...I leave you alone for now. But, soon you won't have a choice to join me. *disappears*

Dreamstar- Finally, some peace. *she stands up and puts the book on her desk*

She is about to sit back down on her bed. Then, suddenly a gag is placed over her mouth and nose. Somepony holds her wings to her sides and covers her horn so she couldn't use her magic.

Dreamstar- *whispers* What in the world?!

She should've kept her mouth shut! She tried not to breathe, knowing what was on the gag, and began to struggle against the pony. But he was stronger and used his magic to lay her down on the bed and keeps her in a sleeping position.

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