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After Celestia, Luna, and the mane six had gotten ready to go and rescue Dreamstar, they all teleported to the front of Sombra's castle.

Princess Luna- *looks at the mane six* You six sneak around back and enter quietly, try to find the room he put Dreamstar in. My sister and I will enter here and try to find Dreamstar too. We will then meet outside the throne room.

Pinkie- Okie Dokie, come on girls let's go. *races off*

Twilight Sparkle- Pinkie, we don't know where we are going! 

Pinkie- *turns around* I do, follow me.

The group sighs and runs after Pinkie Pie. Luna turns to her sister with a shocked look on her face. 

Luna- I still don't understand the Element of Laughter, and I probably never will.

Me: Believe me, Princess Luna. I still don't understand Pinkie Pie, and I'm the writer. 

Luna- *looks around with her sister* Who said that?

Me: *appears in front of them* I did... *sighs* I really don't understand her.

Celestia- Oh, you're the writer. I do have one question though, why did Pinkie ask about how protecting Earth was going?

Me: Yes, um... well I am a part of a team called the Crystal Gems. We protect Earth from the Diamonds and any gem they send to Earth. *her wrist beeps, and she sighs* 

Luna- Interesting, I'm assuming by the beeping on your wrist is a signal.

Me: Yes it is, well it's a message. *reads it really fast* Excuse me, the gems need my help. Good Luck. *she disappears*

Celestia- She's nice, but let's get back to the mission. *both sister's run inside*

Meanwhile with Sombra and Shadow Eclipse. Both of them are standing on the balcony, waiting for the mane six and the princesses to arrive.

Shadow Eclipse- *standing next to her father, growling* When will they get here? *her eyes are glowing a bright red* 

Sombra- Patience, my dear. They will get here soon, I can feel their presence in the castle. *closes his eyes for a second* It seems they split up, let's see how this plays out. 

Shadow Eclipse- Ok...*grins* I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see me. They are going to be in for a surprise. *gets an idea* May I go spy on my friends, Father?

Sombra- *nods* Go ahead Shadow, come back before they head to the throne room.

Shadow Eclipse- Ok, father. *turns into black mist and speeds off*

Back with the mane six, running down the hallways. They had already gotten past several guards without anyone knowing. As they run down a dark corridor, they see two doors leading to the room. Of course, the doors were open, revealing a dark room. 

Fluttershy- *looks around* Why is it so dark in here?

Rarity- For goodness sake, Fluttershy. It's a dark castle, and it's creepy.

Rainbow Dash- *sees a bed* Hey Twi, this is a bedroom.

Twilight Sparkle- *sees the room is a mess* It is, Dreamstar must have been here. But, where is she now? *looks at the girls* Let's go find the Princesses.

The group turns around and runs back out of the Princesses, unknown to them that black mist was watching them. Once the mane six is out of sight, the black mist turns into Shadow Eclipse.

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