Welcome to Canterlot

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*the chariot lands down near the Canterlot castle. Once it had come to a complete stop, all three princesses step off. But, for some reason, Luna collapses*

Dreamstar- Mother, are you okay? *runs over*

Luna- I'm just tired, I haven't slept since that night. *tears well up in her eyes* 

Celestia- Then, let's get you to my room. I can get a warm bath ready, you still like lavender salts, right? *helps her sister stand up*

Luna- *she stands up and leans against Celestia* I do, what about Dreamstar?

Dreamstar- I have to return to my room, to get ready for tonight. *looks at her flank* I still have to tell you how I got my cutie mark. *smiles* By the way Mother, I also like lavender salts. *opens her wings* See you later. *takes off into the sky*

Luna- *smiles* She likes lavender salts, she really is just like me. What is her job?

Celestia- You'll find out tonight, but come on, we should go get to my room.

*The two start walking to Celestia's room*

Dreamstar- *in her room* Now to get ready for tonight's royal duties. *all of a sudden her head starts to hurt, and she groans in pain* Why is my head hurting so much? *a voice speaks behind her* 

???- Hello, my dear. 

Dreamstar- *eyes widen* Nooo, you should be gone. Leave me alone! *turns around and sees Shadow Eclipse smirking*

Shadow Eclipse- Now, why would I do that? Besides, I'm a part of you now. Eventually, you will succumb to me, as your mother did.

Dreamstar- I won't, and you can't make me. My family loves me, and they would never leave me.

Shadow Eclipse- We will see about that, Star. Your family doesn't love you *she disappears*

Dreamstar- *tears are streaming down her face* They do love me, don't they.

*back with Celestia and Luna*

Celestia- *they enter her room* You can use my bed, sister. I'll prepare a bath. 

Luna- *stutters* I can't--, I don't want to get your bed dirty. *she collapses by the door* 

Celestia- *smiles, and uses her golden magic, picking up Luna and placing her on the bed* It's fine. *tears appear in her eyes*

Luna- *looks up* Thank you. I missed you so much.

Celestia- I missed you too. *sits down* You know that we will always be here for you, from now on. *wraps her wing around Luna* I'm sorry, that I wasn't there for you. *choking on sobs* I also wanted to apologize for pushing you away when you needed me most.

Luna- Tia, I should be the one apologizing. I should have come to you when Nightmare started talking to me, and I definitely shouldn't have accepted her offer. 

Celestia- *whispers* But, we will never be apart again, I promise.

*they hug each other*

*Back with Dreamstar, who is sitting on her bed writing down some notes. Suddenly someone knocks on her door.*

Dreamstar- *hears the knock* Come in.

???- *opens the door* Hey cuz, I figured I would find you in here. 

Dreamstar- *turns around* Cadence! *jumps up and hugs her* What are you doing here?

Cadence- *hugs her back* I came here to see you. Also, I wanted to check on you. I heard you and your mother had a battle in Ponyville when she was Nightmare Moon.

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