Who Are You?

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Soon after the alicorn teleports them from the castle, they arrive in a cave. Dreamstar opens her eyes to see the alicorn more clearly. The alicorn was taller than her by a lot, even taller than Celestia. She has a dark peacock blue coat, a black mane, and a tail with a red stripe. Her eyes were sickly green dragon slits with black eyeshadow. Finally, her armor was a dark yellowish-orange. Dreamstar could tell she was evil, but she didn't know who she was, even though she seemed familiar.

Dreamstar- *steps back slightly* Who are you?

???- *chuckles darkly* My name is Blizzard Flames, older sister to Celestia and Luna. 

Dreamstar- *her eyes widen* That means you're my aunt, and I'm your niece.

Blizzard Flames- *grins* Hmm... that I am.

Dreamstar- *her eyes flash with memories about Blizzard playing with her as a foal, whispers* Winter... I missed you.

Blizzard Flames- *glares at her, yells* I don't go by that name anymore. I left it when my sisters betrayed me and had you.

Dreamstar- *shrinks back in fear* I'm sorry... why did you bring me here?

Blizzard Flames- *smirks* I intend to invade Equestria, with you joining my side. 

Dreamstar- *yells* I won't join you, even if you are my aunt. *her eyes flash red for a second before tears appear in her eyes* I've already hurt my family enough, and I don't want to hurt them again. 

Blizzard Flames- *approaches her* We won't hurt them but, we will conquer Equestria and imprison them in the dungeons. *wraps her wing around Dreamstar* So, will you join me?

Dreamstar- *moves slightly, but relax's* I need to think about it. *looks down* 

Blizzard Flames- Very well, but I'm staying by your side. *smiles* I don't want you escaping any time soon.

Dreamstar closes her eyes to think about Blizzard's offer. She wanted to get to know her aunt better but, she couldn't betray her family. Suddenly a searing pain hits her head causing her to jump.

Dreamstar- *gasps, opening her now glowing eyes* Ugh... *in her head she sees her mother pacing back and forth, worried* 

Blizzard Flames- *removes her wing and stands up* Are you okay?

Dreamstar- *groans* Just getting recurring headaches.

Blizzard Flames- *smirks* So, now that you have had time to think. Are you willing to join me?

Dreamstar- *glares* I won't join you, auntie. 

Blizzard Flames- What? *growls* I'll be right back...*walks outside of the cave and lights her horn, casting an illusion spell* 

Back with Dreamstar, she looks around and sees her mother.

Dreamstar- *steps forward* Mother, what are you doing here?

Luna- *growls* You're the worst daughter ever, I'm glad I left you. Sombra should have stayed with you so I can focus on my royal duties. *steps forward* Don't bother returning to the castle, I don't need you anymore. 

Celestia- *growls* I never should have taken care of you, I should have left you. *smirks* Even more, I should have banished you to the moon with your mother.

Dreamstar- *shocked, and crying* Mother, Auntie... why?

Outside, Blizzard stops the spell and walks back inside to see Dreamstar crying. She gently walks over and comforts Dreamstar.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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