Party in Ponyville

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*the party starts but, Dreamstar notices that her mother walk off, away from the party*

Dreamstar- *nudges her Aunt* I'll be right back, Luna just walked off. I'm going to see what's wrong. I'll take Crystal with me. *walks off to find her mother*

Princess Celestia- *whispers* Okay, see you soon.

*Dreamstar walks for a bit until she got a lake, right outside of Ponyville. She sees Princess Luna sitting on the ground.*

Dreamstar- *whispers* Crystal, stay here. Until I call you, I want this to be a surprise.

Princess Luna- *sobbing quietly*

Dreamstar- *walks up behind her* Mother!

Princess Luna- *gasps* Dream, when did you get here? 

Dreamstar- I saw you walk off from the party, are you okay?

Princess Luna- I'm fine, I just need some time alone. 

Dreamstar- *sits down next to her, nuzzles her* You're not okay, besides I would have thought you didn't want to be alone after all that has happened. Did somepony say something to you?

Princess Luna- Actually, a young filly and her friend figured out I used to be Nightmare Moon and they started telling everypony. I know I should be celebrating but, I feel bad about what happened in the forest. You shouldn't have let me activate your dark magic. 

Dreamstar- What are those two filly's names? I'm pretty sure I have an idea of who it was from previous trips to Ponyville. 

Princess Luna- *thinks, then answers* I think their names were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.  Do you know them, they seemed like some very stuck up.

Dreamstar- *giggles* They are stuck-up. Yes, I do know them from coming to Ponyville a few times. They are two fillies that got their cutie-marks already, they are the top bullies at their school. They also make fun of ponies that don't have cutie-marks yet, calling them blank-flanks. I know Apple Bloom, Applejack's little sister gets picked on by both of them. *sighs and hugs her* About the dark magic, I chose to do that, it's also the reason I got my Element of Harmony.

Princess Luna- *looks down* But, now your father can find you. He has dark magic, and if he does find you, he can turn you against us or control you. Also, those two fillies look and sound like trouble. 

Dreamstar- *stutters* father... he has dark magic. *looks at Luna* Who's my father?

Princess Luna- *sighs* Once we get back to where ever my sister said we're going, I'll tell you. No one else can know who he is except for me, you, and my sister. You can probably tell your friends when you're ready.

Dreamstar- Okay. *remembers* Mom, do you know what a moon wolf is?

Princess Luna- Yes, they're ancient animals that have powers of the moon. I believe they also have the ability to talk. Why do you ask?

Dreamstar- *looks behind, her mother following her gaze* Crystal, you can come out now. 

Princess Luna- Whose Crystal? *sees a moon wolf step out from behind the bush* A moon wolf! Where did you find one?

Dreamstar- Celestia sent me on a mission a few years ago. I believe it was in the Everfree forest, where our old castle is located. She told me there was a magical disturbance and to go investigate it. When I got there, I found Crystal. She was hurt, so I healed her and brought her back to the castle. I later found out that Crystal was the cause of the magical disturbance. So, I began to raise her and she's been my animal companion ever since. 

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