Prologue PT.2

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-A/n: The story as of now will be from the readers point of view Unless otherwise stated-

*60 years earlier*

"Irz the burguul nalt u izishu!" (Run! The Medusa is catching up to us!) The orc screamed at his Warg

Me and Cerberus, my Black Unicorn, Ran through the hail of Arrow coming towards us from the giant Gundabad Orc
"Burz uruk scum" (Bye, Orc Scum!)
And with that I killed him. Nothing Extravagant and well thought out. I just cut his head off. It doesn't deserve a pleasant death.

"As entertaining as that was, I didn't come here for a show"

I smiled, something I was unaware I was capable of, and turned around to face the wizard is grown fond of over my many years as 'Medusa'

"Greetings, my Friend. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I am offering you the chance to join me and some friends on an adventure"

"I am sorry, Gandalf. You know how I feel about adventures."

Gandalf sighed and turned around to walk away, before looking back at me

"There'll be Orcs, Trolls and Goblins to slaughter. I thought I'd ask the expert. If you change your mind, Come to The Shire tomorrow night. Look for the mark on the door. And try not to kill my company, if you do come."

And with that he left. Well, he disappeared in true Gandalf Style.
His words dancing in my head.

What did he mean by 'kill his company' ?

I sighed and started packing my bag full of the loot the Scum had on him.
I hoped on the back Of Cerberus, and stroked his mane, whispering words of praise to him.

"To the Shire, My friend. We have a meeting"

Medusa (Fili x Kili x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now