if there is a key.

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Mithrandir returned to where the company was with another dwarf, Dark hair with grey streaks framing his face, fur coats and he held himself like a king

"Allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield"

I was beyond pissed. I was not prepared to travel with the dwarf that damned my kin to death. He expects me to help him reclaim his home when his big head robbed me of mine?!

"So, this is the hobbit?"

Bilbo looked around, anywhere but the king under the mountain's eyes. The poor thing was scared senseless!

"Tell me, Mr Baggins, have you done much fighting?"

"Pardon me?"

"Axe or sword? What's your weapon of choice?"


"Well I do have some skill in conkers, if you must know. But I fail to see... why... that's R-Relevant...!"

A slight giggle escaped my lips causing the dwarves to look at me. Oh, how I want to rip out their throats. Except Fili and Kili of course.
Thorin soon turned his attention back to the Hobbit.

"Thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a Burglar."

Thorin's company burst out laughing causing Bilbo to look to the floor in pure embarrassment.
I'm sure I was seething red with anger towards the dwarven king. But before I could slap him he turned to me.

"And you-" he said, eyeing me up and down, probably not trusting me as I was dressed in all black, hood up- Ranger. I didn't change as I'd just left To scout Striders surroundings before I left him in Rivendel.

"-What's you weapon of choice?"

I smirked, even tho he couldn't see it, he stepped back as though I intimidated him.

"Keep Harassing and making fun of the poor Hobbit and you'll find out."

9 dwarves got in a position to hurt me if necessary, but Oakenshield dismissed them and they walked into the kitchen, followed by Mithrandir and Bilbo, who sent me a quick 'thank you' nod.

I walked in and leaned against the wall opposite to the wizard, and as far away from the king as possible. They started talking about some irrelevant crap in Ered Luin which I tuned out. I could take it any longer and walked out the room, causing all eyes to turn to me as I left But returned as I heard my friend Dain's name being said. Dain was one of the only dwarven lords I could stand. I have nothing against the iron hill dwarven folk; it is the dwarves of Erebor who I dispise

"They will not come. They say this quest is ours, and ours alone. He did mention someone that could help us, however. He said 'if you meet a ranger known as Medusa, do not reject her help. Besides you, the shadow had a bigger grudge against orcs, Goblins and trolls. She would be a valuable asset for your quest'."

Only those who knew I was Medusa, and a ranger looked at me, smiling. The rest just cheered knowing somewhere there was someone who would help them. Bilbo was the first to break out his trance and looked expectantly at Thorin.

"You're going on a quest?"

Gandalf quickly brushed the question aside  for a moment, asking for more light, which the hobbit ran out the room to get. He returned not a second later with a lit candle. They started discussing locations around Arda, which of course I knew like the back of my hand.

"...... Lies a single, solitary peak."

I was stood far from the map they were using, not even looking at it

Medusa (Fili x Kili x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now