7. Jungkook's Day 2020

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{rated M, idol life, fluff}

It's you and me,
moving at the speed of light, into eternity.
Tonight is the night,
you join me in the middle of ecstasy.

Jungkook used to be the type to forget his own birthday. He was always so busy with work that all his days seemed to blend together. Things like holidays, vacations and birthday celebration were special indulgences idols like him rarely got to enjoy. And for a long while, Jungkook was okay with that – he could live without them if it brought him closer to achieving his dreams.

But for the past two years, something had shifted. He paid attention to special dates – sometimes even setting reminders in his phone calendar – and he allowed himself to look forward to them. He was excited to plan special events, buy cute gifts, and make new memories. He was happy. And that had everything to do with the person he usually shared those special days with.

So, on the night before his 24th birthday, Jungkook wasn't surprised to enter his private penthouse and find that she had beaten him there.

The first thing he noticed when he punched in the code to his house and swung the door open was the scent of her seductive perfume. It was Jungkook's favourite. The one she usually reserved for only the most special of occasions.

Jungkook smiled when he began taking his boots off and noticed her YSL flats already occupying the top shoe shelf at the entrance. His exhaustion from a full day of dancing began to fade away quickly. In its place was a flutter of excitement that always seemed to appear when he was spending time with her.

When he stepped through the entrance and saw the stream of rose petals and candles lining the hallway in carefully arranged lines, his smile turned into a full-on laugh. Everything was leading directly into his bedroom. Jungkook could only imagine what kind of surprise awaited him in there.

He placed his keys on the nearest surface he could find and then immediately followed the rose petals, careful not to mess up her hard work.

"Honey, I'm home!" He called out when he was only a few steps away from the oak door of his bedroom. Her answering laughter made him want to reach her even quicker.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting to find on the other side of the door, but nothing could have prepared him for the sight before him when he actually opened it.

The room was decorated with even more candles and rose petals everywhere – the floor, the dressers, the bed. A handful of helium-filled balloons occupied the entire corner by the window and streamers hung from the roof in cascading waves.

And there, laying in the middle of Jungkook's king-sized bed on her side with nothing but a silk, red robe on, was Chaeyoung. With the way the silk material of the robe draped across her body and cinched at the waist, she might as well have worn nothing at all. Her long legs were bare and stretched out with one knee bent over the other while she kept one hand propped under her head. Her silver hair hung over her shoulders in full, soft curls and the colour of her lips matched her robe perfectly.

"Finally," she said as he just stood there, his eyes hungrily drinking in every sexy inch of her. "Do you have any idea how long I've been laying here like this? My arm was beginning to get sore."

Jungkook began walking towards the bed slowly, taking his jacket off and tossing it on an empty space in the floor while his eyes remained pinned to her. "You're about to be sore in some other places too, so get ready, baby."

She lifted an almost challenging brow at that, which only fueled Jungkook's determination even more. He lifted his black t-shirt over his head and tossed it too when he reached the end of the bed. Her eyes ran down his bare torso just as hungrily as his had run down her body, eliciting that excited flutter in his chest again. Along with something more carnal within him.

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