26. Rosie's Solo

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{rated m, bdsm, idol life, fluff}

'Cause you're too fuckin' beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (That's why)
I still get jealous.

A/N: I am once again here to warn the minors that there are some very mature themes in this story that I felt compelled to write about because Rosekook are two healthy, attractive adults who have intense, soul-ascending sex. This time I asked Hank for the details. So blame him for any and all emotional scarring please <3


Jungkook liked to believe he wasn't the 'jealous' type. As the youngest of two siblings, he spent his childhood constantly being compared to his brother. And as the youngest member of BTS – a group filled with 6 other talented men – he was constantly trying to earn his place and gain the love of his fans. In those two roles, he had successfully gone through life without feeling overwhelmingly jealous of his brothers. He celebrated their accomplishments just as much as he celebrated his own. Even more sometimes.

But as a boyfriend, Jungkook was slightly different. No matter how much he tried to deny it, his sense of possessiveness was constantly triggered with Chaeyoung. He couldn't help it. Just the thought of someone else touching his girl elicited an uncharacteristic flush of anger to course through his veins. With every interested glance another man threw in her direction wherever she went. With every idol who expressed their love for her, thinking she may be interested in them too. Because she was too beautiful, too charming to ignore. And because they thought she was single.

Sometimes, all he wanted to do was grab a megaphone, position it over the whole world and scream that she was taken. But because that was an irrational desire, he kept Chaeyoung tightly wrapped up in his embrace when they were alone and used her little smiles and kisses as his personal proof that she really was his.

Usually, these moments were enough to appease Jungkook's envious tendencies, but the day he snuck into a YG entertainment dance studio to watch her practice the choreography of 'On the Ground', he felt the ugly emotion creeping up on him again.

Chaeyoung had told him that morning that they were recording the dance practice for her new song, so he slipped out of work early to surprise her there. In order to even access the building, he had to beg Chaeyoung's manager to let him in, which he only allowed after extorting vip bts concert tickets from Jungkook.

He was wearing a black face mask and his blonde hair was covered with a black bucket hat to hide his identity.

Once he was finally inside, Jungkook made sure to keep his head down while trying to find the room Chaeyoung's team was occupying for the day. The only reason he managed to make it all the way towards the ninth floor without anyone questioning him was because Chaeyoung's bodyguard was a good friend of his and was guiding him through with confident, purposeful steps, basically shielding his body from plain view the entire time.

When he eventually reached the right room and could hear the characteristic tune of Chaeyoung's song, he quietly entered through the back door and leaned against the wall. There were so many other people in the room that Jungkook blended in well with the camera crew as he stood behind them. He crossed his arms and peeked above the sea of heads to catch a quick glimpse of Chaeyoung just as she cracked a joke that caused all the backup dancers to erupt into laughter.

Jungkook felt his own lips spread into a fond smile as he took her in. His eyes had studied her features millions of times and yet he never got tired of it. He could spend all day just watching her if she would let him.

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