25. Jungkook's Day 2021

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{rated m, idol life, fluff}

Cause I'm off my face, in love with you
I'm out my head, so into you
And I don't know how you do it
But I'm forever ruined by you,


A/N: Just as a little warning, the rated m part of this story gets a little... um intense? And a little uhh... graphic? Please skip or enjoy accordingly. I promise the rest of the story is pure fluff. And please keep in mind, I'm only telling you the story as Joohwangie narrated it to me. 100% authentic.


August 31, 2021

September was one of Chaeyoung's favourite months of the year. It was the time the leaves began to change colour, the weather became cooler, and pumpkin spice lattes made their annual comeback. But over the last few years, she had found one other, much more important reason to love September.

"Happy early birthday, baby."

She had just finished making Jungkook breakfast (although it was more like lunch given how late they had slept in) and brought it to her bed. Where Jungkook was sprawled out on his belly, naked, with only the corner of her white sheets covering his lower half. She, herself, was only dressed in his t-shirt and calf-length white socks, her blonde hair pulled back into a messy bun.

Over the past few weeks, Jungkook had been busy at work with the other BTS members as they geared up for the release of their new album. Yesterday had been one of his only free days and he had spent it at Chaeyoung's place, celebrating his birthday early. Because he was also scheduled to work the next two days and they didn't know if they would get another chance, they gave last night their all. As a result, neither of them got much sleep.

Jungkook turned his head groggily and grumbled, obviously tired from their busy night of celebrations. But Chaeyoung had put a lot of effort into her pancakes, and she really wanted him to try them. Also, she was worried about how much she had drained him last night and thought it would only be right that she helped replenish some of that lost energy.

Before he could fall back asleep, she set the food tray down on the nightstand and climbed onto the bed. When she plopped down onto his lower back with her knees on either side of his waist, she expected the weight of her body to wake him up completely, but he was hardly fazed.

"Rise and shine, Jungkook," she leaned down to whisper in his ear, her bra-less chest pressed up right against his muscled back.

When she began kissing his tattooed shoulder, he finally began to stir underneath her.

"Wake up, baby," she murmured into his other ear before kissing a path down his neck towards his other shoulder. "Aren't you hungry?"

"For you?" he asked, voice raspy and muffled against the pillow. "Always."

He finally began to turn around. Chaeyoung lifted off him enough to allow it before plopping right down onto his belly again. Her hands skimmed up and down his bare chest, feelings his warm skin and steady heartbeat against her palms.

Jungkook rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and took a moment to stretch his body before looking up at her with a lazy grin. His hands were already sliding up over her thighs and pushing up the hem of her t-shirt. "God, you tired me out last night."

"And yet, you're still touching me like that?" she narrowed her eyes at him, as his hands slid under her shirt, up her waist. She managed to catch his wrists before they climbed any higher and removed his hands from her body. Only for him to intertwine his fingers with hers and pull down until her chest was flush against his.

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