24. Business & Pleasure 2

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{rated m, CEO au, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage}

When Chaeyoung woke up from her nap, she was surprised to find a blanket thrown over her and a pillow under her head. She was even more startled, however, to find herself face-to-face with Jungkook as he gently shook her shoulder.

"Wake up, future Mrs. Jeon." He smiled, and she noticed that he still looked perfectly put together. His suit had no wrinkles, his hair was parted just as it had been at the beginning of the flight. It made her question whether he slept at all.

Chaeyoung looked away from his too-perfect face to peer out the window which was now pitch black and sparkling with city lights. She was disoriented, but she knew right away that they had landed in Paris.

"It's showtime," Jungkook announced, grabbing her hand and pulling her up.

She was too tired to object as he led her towards the jet doors. All she could do was rub her eyes and follow, not knowing exactly what awaited her on the other side of those doors.

What Chaeyoung wasn't prepared for was to be blinded by thousands of bright flashing lights and French reporters shoving mics into their faces as they descended down the staircase. She had to put her palm up in front of her face to shield her eyes as Jungkook placed a hand on her lower back to help guide her.

She couldn't even understand the questions they were shouting over the sound of the jet engine. But, surprisingly, Jungkook could.

If Chaeyoung wasn't so busy trying to protect her eyes, she might have thrown him an astonished look as he answered a few of their questions in perfect French. All while he continued to pave a path through them, keeping Chaeyoung pinned to his side as if she might get lost otherwise.

He was playing the part of the 'protective fiancé' perfectly. Chaeyoung didn't know whether to be irritated by his acting skills or impressed. And well, if he was putting in all this effort, then she wouldn't be caught slacking in comparison.

So, she played the part of the sweet, innocent girlfriend by clinging onto his torso and burying her face in his shoulder, as if it were the safest hiding spot.

Jungkook almost scoffed as he threw her a side glance, but his only obvious response was pulling her in closer while the reporters kept snapping hundreds of pictures.

The walk to the limo that awaited them felt like it was a thousand miles away as they pushed through the large crowd. And when they finally climbed inside together, Chaeyoung automatically turned to glower at him.

"Did you really have to put your hands all over me?"

Jungkook gave her a look of astonishment, keeping a comfortable gap between them as he took his seat. "Asks the girl who literally burrowed her face into my neck the whole time."

"I was putting on a show, like you asked."

"So was I."

She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "Well, you seemed to be enjoying it a little too much."

"And? Does it bother you that I'm actually trying to have fun and make the best of our situation?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed, throwing her head up to stare at the roof of the limo as it began speeding away from the reporters. "Yes, it does. Because this isn't a 'fun' situation to be in! We were forced into a marriage neither of us ever wanted. We had our freedom stripped away from us and now we have to do things we never wanted to do. Like dress shopping and wine tastings!"

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