22. Still With You

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(Rated M, idol life, angst)

Every day, every moment
If I knew this was gonna happen
I would have remembered more of them
When will it be?
If I see you again
I will look into your eyes
And say, "I missed you"

(Surprise, surprise. Bet you thought you'd seen the last of The Story of Rosekook, but I give you another. You've had their first date, their first time, and now, I deliver unto you: their first fight).


It was raining the day she left. And in Jungkook's empty heart, it has been raining ever since.

There are few moments in life that truly feel as if they are occurring in slow motion. Some are joyful occasions like the deep breath you take at the end of a long concert before looking out at the sea of people who have been showering you with support for the past few hours. Or the feeling of kissing the person you love for the first time.

And then there are moments like this one, where you see the pain so clearly in your lover's eyes and your heart sinks. Your body goes into fight or flight mode, and you are clearly in a state of shock. Your pulse races out of pure fear. Tears are burning in your eyes the longer the silence stretches between the two of you and the more final the breakup becomes. Your heart is desperately trying to keep itself from shattering into a thousand pieces while your mind fumbles to come up with the proper words to say. To fix it before it's too late.

Should you apologize? Should you just let it go, telling yourself it's better this way? Or should you try to explain? Should you express how hurt you are too, or should you pretend you're perfectly fine instead? Should you defend or should you attack? There is no right way to respond, and yet your mind only has a few seconds to decide how to do it. Because she's about to walk away, and even though you tell yourself this couldn't possibly be happening... it is.

Jungkook had been standing in silence for a few seconds now, dumbfounded as Chaeyoung held up her phone to his face. Showing him a picture of himself that he didn't remember taking. A picture with another woman.

His brows knit together tightly as he examined the screen. The photos had been taken a few days ago while he was on a little vacation with a group of friends. He had been drinking that night in celebration of finally getting his first few tattoos. The artist who had given them to him was one of his old friends from high school and they were pretty well acquainted, but there was no way in hell he would ever act in any way around her that was beyond friendly.

"Chaeyoung, I swear to you, this is not what it looks like." His eyes snapped to hers, desperately trying to convey his honest shock at what she was showing him.

But her eyes were filled with tears, her hand trembling. And beyond the anger and the pain in them was something even more concerning: acceptance. Like she had already made up her mind about the situation.

"Isn't this you in a hotel elevator with another woman? Isn't that you laughing with her in this picture and holding her in your arms?" She demanded, her brows furrowed as she angrily swiped from one picture to the next.

He had never seen her like this. So hurt and so angry. Her tone was harsh, her eyes had lost all their warmth, her jaw so tense, it almost shook. It killed him to know he was the cause of her pain, and yet he was so shocked at the reason behind it, that he didn't quite know how to make it better.

At the time of the vacation, Chaeyoung was spending the holidays with her family in Seoul. So, this was the first time they were seeing each other in two weeks. Jungkook had expected her to run into his arms and greet him in the same cheerful way she usually did. Instead, he was met with a hostility that he had never seen in her. An anger that he didn't know she was even capable of.

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