28. 10 Days of Quarantine

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{rated m, idol life, fluff}

'On the first day of Quarantine my true love gave to me: an Instagram tutorial for free'.


A/N: This true story has been brought to you in part by my very reliable, very secret new insider: Jeon Bam. He has already witnessed some steamy moments that have lowkey traumatized him, but wanted me to share them with you so that at least someone could get some enjoyment out of it. Stay strong, Bam <3.


December 5th, 2021

Jungkook was bored out of his mind. He had just landed in Korea a few hours ago, endured another painful covid swab upon arrival, and was driven immediately to his personal home by his manager. Where, in accordance with government regulations, he was to undergo a full ten days of quarantine. All alone in his much too big, empty house. With nothing to do. And no one around.

Being the introverted extrovert that he was, Jungkook was originally looking forward to this period of alone time. Ten days at home was like a dream to workaholics like BTS and it was more time than he had ever gotten to himself. After finishing off a successful week of concerts in LA and a packed 2021 work schedule, he thought he was ready for a vacation.

But now, after finishing the third episode of a tv show he wasn't even interested in and almost finishing an entire bottle of alcohol, he was already beginning to feel the depressing effects of total solitude. Everything was too quiet. Too empty. He was used to living in a house with 6 other people at the BTS house or lounging around with Chaeyoung in his personal house on his days off. It was strange to come home after almost a month of being away and for it to not even feel like home.

The hardest part of all was not being able to see Chaeyoung. Her work schedule was the complete opposite of his. She had travelled to the States in early November while he stayed back in Korea. And then, when he left for the States later that month, she flew back to Korea the same day. They missed each other at the airport by a few mere hours. As a result, he hadn't seen her for almost 2 months.

The last time they had been apart for that long was two years ago, before covid, when both their groups were on tour. They dealt with the distance back then, so Jungkook thought he would be fine this time around too. But now that they had been dating for so long, he had unknowingly become more attached to her than ever before. And even though Jungkook stole hundreds of goodbye kisses in October, and they constantly called each other during their time apart, he still missed her like crazy.

The fact that they were in the same city now, breathing the same air, but couldn't meet was killing him. It felt like a part of him was missing.

He spent another hour mindlessly watching tv in his living room while his dog, Bam, kept him company. Bam had never left his side since the moment Jungkook's mom dropped him off at his house, raising his front paws up to Jungkook's abdomen and happily receiving his ruffles of affection. They wrestled and played together for a while before they both exhausted themselves and retired to the couch. And now, as if sensing Jungkook's growing sense of loneliness, the large Doberman had curled up by Jungkook's feet, fast asleep.

If he didn't at least have Bam, Jungkook probably would have lost it a long time ago. And now that his puppy was asleep and he had finished his entire bottle of soju, the boredom was at an all-time high.

His hands naturally drifted to his phone, found Chaeyoung's name at the very top of his contacts list and called her.

"Hi, love," she answered on the third ring.

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