4. Endless Night

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{rated m, idol life, music, fluff}

Can't get you outta my head.
I hate thinking about you all night.
Yeah, I don't know how many times you've taken my night,
The train of thought runs nonstop all night, I don't know.

As always, Chaeyoung could not sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed for an entire hour, trying to tame the storm of thoughts running rampant through her mind. But there were too many of them these days. Concern about her lack of musical activities, worries about the future of her career, the ever-impending sense of all the good things in her life coming to an eventual end. Being an idol in this generation was a stressful endeavour to say the least. Unfortunately for her, not only did the burden of being a public figure weigh down on her every day of her life, but it also haunted her nights as well.

She just wished she could have one night of blissful rest. Where the stresses of the future were far from her mind and she could just live the life of a normal 24-year-old.

It was ironic how nighttime was different for everyone. For those who slept peacefully, it was magical. A time to look forward to. But for people like Chaeyoung, whose brains never shut off, it was a chaotic time. Everything else in the world slowed during the night. The sun descended, the streets were calm, and the air became silent. But that only made the thoughts in Chaeyoung's head sound even louder.

When she glanced at her phone and saw that an entire hour had passed since she had crawled under the covers, she groaned in irritation. She wasn't even close to falling asleep yet.

So, she did the one thing that seemed to help her the most in these times of crisis. She called Jungkook.

"Hey." He answered on the third ring, voice soft and warm. The sound was a welcome disruption to the stormy silence all around Chaeyoung. "I was just thinking about you."

An automatic smile spread across her face as she turned on her side and closed her eyes. Visualizing his face like a vivid picture framed in her mind.

"Were you sleeping?" She asked, hoping she hadn't disturbed him. She was known to do that a lot. Because unlike Chaeyoung, Jungkook could sleep anywhere at anytime. And whenever she would call him in the early hours of the morning, he usually sounded like he was half conscious, half asleep. Regardless of how late it was though, he always picked up her calls, reassuring her that it was okay that she had unknowingly woken him up.

This time, however, he sounded wide awake.

He laughed at the apologetic tone in her voice. "Not this time. I'm in the studio."

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were off today."

"I was. I'm at my home studio. Just working on a few songs for my mixtape."

"Ahh," she said in understanding. "So, that's why you were thinking of me? Did you write another song about me?"

"All my songs are about you."

Chaeyoung sat up in her bed, an excited flutter in her tummy as the conversation became interesting. "Oh, now I know that's a big, fat lie. Your songs are mostly about your fans."

He laughed again and she could just picture the sheepish smile on his face. "I'd like to think there's a good balance of both."

Chaeyoung laughed too, running a hand through her long, silver hair and resting her chin on her knees as she stared out the window at the city lights.

"Are you having trouble falling asleep again?" He asked, reading her mind like he so often did.

"When do I not?" She asked sarcastically. This whole not sleeping thing was starting to really affect her mood. If things didn't resolve themselves soon, she was going to turn into a grinch.

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