9. Guns & Roses

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{Police officers au, action, rated m}

Sorry if it's hard to catch my vibe,
I need a lover to trust, tell me you're on my side,
Are you down for the ride?

One of the very first rules they teach you in the police academy is to be prepared for anything. Your services could be required at any point in the day, be it early morning or late at night. No matter what you are doing, you must be available at a second's notice.

So, when Chaeyoung received an emergency alert on her phone at 2:00 am that morning, it did not matter that she was naked in bed with a stranger she had met at a club. Nor did it matter that she had a massive headache radiating through her skull from all the alcohol she had ingested. The only thing that was important was that she somehow still managed to arrive at the police headquarters in a timely fashion.

She practically toppled out of the uber and sprinted towards the brightly lit glass doors of her workplace. Having had no time to change, she was still wearing her tight, gold cocktail dress from the club along with matching designer heels. The overpowering scent of Chanel perfume mixed with alcohol wafted behind her like a headache aggravating cloud. Just before she reached for the handle of the door, she paused to smooth the skirt of her dress and reorient herself to her surroundings. As a last precautionary step, she ran a hand through her tangled, wavy black hair before hastily twisting it up into a bun on top of her head.

It was impossible not to wince at the sight of her own reflection on the glass door as she swung it open.

Chaeyoung liked to think she maintained a healthy work-life balance. She may have not had the best hobbies outside of work, but she had never allowed that to interfere with her duties as a detective in one of South Korea's most prominent precincts. It had been a hell of a journey for her, as an underestimated woman, to earn her rank, but by some miracle, she had done it. And now that she was comfortable where she was, it was only right that she treated herself to occasional nights of partying and letting go.

Unfortunately, not everyone understood her method of stress relief.

"Busy night?" One of Chaeyoung's colleagues and the biggest pain in her ass, Jeon Jungkook suddenly asked from behind her, just as she began climbing the staircase towards the briefing rooms. Chaeyoung didn't even have to glance back to see the disapproval on his face. His tone alone was dripping with sarcasm.

"It's called having fun, you wouldn't be able to relate."

The assumption that the worst aspects of being a police officer were the physical injuries and near-death situations were wrong. To Chaeyoung, the worst part – by far – was having to constantly deal with the atrocity of a man named Jeon Jungkook.

He was one of those career-focused, ambitious, serious types that poured their entire lives into their careers. The type to fast track their way towards becoming the chief of police as early on in their career as possible. He was competitive by nature and always vying for the toughest cases, regardless of the dangers associated with it. A lot of people admired him for that, pegging his carelessness as bravery. But Chaeyoung could see right through him. Behind that stone-cold exterior was a power-hungry, over-confident man who had been through some serious shit and didn't know how to let go of it.

As with all complex individuals, however, there were some parts of Jungkook that weren't all bad. His face, for example, was as perfectly sculpted as a runway model's, with a defined jawline, high nose, and bowed lips. If his eyes weren't glaring daggers into hers all the time, she may have even found them pretty. His body, too, was lean and muscular with all the hours he put in at the gym in between his long work hours.

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