Chapter 1

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"Gate detected!" It had been a slow evening and Tachikawa squad was beyond grateful for it. Their defense shift had begun nearly three hours ago and the air had been eerily still. Not a single Trion soldier had made their appearance which meant the boys could simply sit and relax. Tachikawa Kei and Izumi Kohei sat on the roof of Border Headquarters, meekly swinging their legs off the ledge like children while their newest recruit Yuiga Takeru paced behind them with nerves of his first defense duty.

However, the trio was startled by Kunichika's sudden cut through the silence with an alarmed voice. "Distance, three-hundred southwest! One reading on the radar."

The Captain was the first to stand, thinking of this as a simple task in which his cache of skills was unnecessary. So, he grabbed Yuiga by the shoulders and scared the poor boy.

"Time for your first real kill." Izumi tsked as he knew that they'd have to move as a squad considering the new member's lack of skill and experience. "Remember, aim for the glowing eye. It's pretty hard to miss."


"Don't worry! We'll be watching the entire time." This only spiked the male's nervousness as he didn't want to make a fool out of himself in front of the Number One Attacker in Border.

The blonde teen stood from his seat and quietly followed the two to the southwest corner of HQ.

Suddenly, a large crash could be heard making the more experienced members of the team tense up. It was either a Trion Soldier going on a random destructive rampage or a giant crash, either of which would be bad for them. As the night began to get interesting, Izumi became happy with the fact that they were on patrol. With that being said, the team ran to a spot where they could look down and spy on the damage below.

Lo and behold, not a Trion Soldier in sight, but a ship of sorts crash-landed into a set of abandoned homes less than a mile away from the closing gate. Tachikawa furrowed his brow and halted the movement of his team.

"Kunichika, will you please connect us to Shinoda-san and Sawamura-san?"

"Roger!" As the team waited for their connection, Izumi leered down at the mess below and began to see movement within the ship, almost as if someone or something was trying to bash through the side panel. His eyes squinted as he watched some kind of blade cutting through the metal. "You've been connected!"

"Shinoda-san! A foreign ship has crash-landed in the southwest. My team will apprehend the situation but may need backup."

"Roger that. Be careful, Kei."

"Roger." As Tachikawa gave the signal, the group jumped down from the high wall and made their way to the ship. The closer they got, the louder the pounding from within the ship became. Yuiga gulped as he forgot that his Trigger would protect him from any real harm. However, the other two remained cautious as they knew just how hostile Neighbors could be from their away mission.

Suddenly, a large chunk of metal flew off of the ship and skidded loudly across the old pavement. The creaky metal was then forgotten as a figure made its way out of the hole in their destroyed ship.

"Damn piece of junk..." All three boys froze at the sound of a female voice.

"We have made contact with a Humanoid Neighbor," Tachikawa muttered. The girl jumped from the open ship and landed gracefully on the rough ground, taking quite a long second to notice the three men staring her down. But when she did, she immediately took on a fighting stance that matched theirs.

"Who the hell are you?!" The girl was of average height with what appeared to be an athletic build. She had long blonde hair and piercing green eyes that put emeralds to shame. What Izumi took notice of, however, were the two small black horns that emerged from the sides of her head almost like a devil's.

"Where do you come from?" The girl looked frantic at Tachikawa's gentle-spoken question.

"Lower your weapons if you want to talk," she demanded. It wasn't until now that Tachikawa realized that one of his Kogetsu had been unsheathed and that Izumi had prepared trion bullets. The swordsman only gripped his hilt tighter which the female didn't miss. "Fine." She reached up to grab at her necklace at which the males suddenly panicked.

A trigger user?!

Do we need to call for backup?!

"Wait!" Izumi's bullets disappeared, but the girl never let her guard down. So, he sighed and stepped in front of his captain. "Trigger off." Tachikawa looked at the teen as if he was mental but said nothing to interfere with this interaction. At the sight of this random boy relinquishing his trigger, the girl dropped her hand and stared him down. "There's no need to fight if we can avoid it, right?"

"Where am I?"

"Japan," he replied to her hostile question. Her green eyes then fell down with a pout on her lips.

"Meeden, huh?" The girl sighed and then turned her back on the boys to face her now-destroyed ship which she had stolen during her most recent escape. "Guess I'm stuck here for a while..."

"We have to take her in," Tachikawa mumbled. "Commander Kido has to make the call on what to do with her." Izumi simply nodded and put on his best, boyish smile.

"So, what's your name?" The girl spun around and blinked at the dirty blonde incredulously at his bland choice of small talk. She merely scoffed at the boy.

"Just take me to whoever is in charge so we can get this over with."

Hello! It's been a while lol. Welcome to my new story in honor of World Trigger's second season being released. I apologize for the lateness of this publishing since I promised it like nine months ago (oops). Anyways, I am happy to be back and I hope you all enjoy!

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