Chapter 8

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 The group walked through the exit of Border HQ's front doors, leading them to the bright sunlight and the car that awaited them. Akira clutched her bag tightly, all of her necessities packed tightly within the small duffel bag she had been given. On either side of her walked Tachikawa and Izumi who had their triggers equipped while under the eyes of the Commander. However, they both had full intention of turning them off as soon as they got in the car.

Izumi opened the passenger side door for the blonde, smiling gently at her which went completely ignored. While his smile remained, his chest ached as she ignored him once again. Ever since they had told her about her temporary residence after their nap together, Akira had seemed to take offense to their departure and his lack of communication about such events. She refused to speak to him or even acknowledge him including on his watch shifts.

He hated to admit it, but it was beginning to hurt his feelings. Especially since he'd be gone for a while.

The blonde male slid to the back seat and quietly buckled himself in, preparing for a quiet ride to Tamakom a. Tachikawa drove quickly through the Forbidden Zone toward the outer edge where the lonesome building on the water resides.

Akira silently prayed that the drive would last a lifetime. Not only was she not interested in meeting new people or living somewhere like a refugee again, she knew that deep down she didn't want to say goodbye to these boys quite yet. However, luck was not on her side as they crept up on the sole building standing above the water, the brick of its structure beginning to peak through as the outer layer slowly crumbled away. The boys were quick to exit the vehicle, leaving the blonde to stare at the structure with disdain for just a moment longer.

Going inside wasn't exactly a cakewalk either.

Upon entering, the few members that resided in the building greeted the two top agents and waited for their introduction to the new specimen. A man with glasses sauntered forward and gave a curt bow.

"I'm Rindo Takumi, the director of this branch." After glancing hesitantly at him, she gave the tiniest of bows in return. "Welcome to Tamakoma, Akira-san." Her green eyes scanned the room, only finding three other bodies in the facility excluding the tiny child and his pet. "This is Usami Shiori, Kizaki Reiji," the tall male and dark-haired female offered small waves and nods of acknowledgment. "And Konami Kirie." Akira looked toward the girl with long orange hair who was stood glumly in the corner, looking as disinterested as ever. "Jin is at HQ and Karasuma is at work, so you'll meet them later."

Akira continued to stare at the girl, unnerved by her attitude. Her body language was that of distaste, punctuated by her crossed arms. The blonde narrowed her eyes at her as she already disliked the vibe she gave off.

"Nice to meet you," she sat monotonously. "Where's my room?" Tachikawa's eye twitched at her slight rudeness with the question. However, before he could correct her, another feminine voice filled the room.

"Up the stairs, first door to the right." Konami's blue eyes leered at the blonde. Akira could tell just by her tone of voice that they would not be getting along. Izumi could sense how Akira's body tensed as she became more and more irritated with her circumstances. He could almost feel her emotions rolling off of her in waves.

The blonde male began nudging her toward the stairs, needing to relieve the room of this new tension that had arisen.

"Now, now, Akira~," he cooed. "Let's go get you settled in." The girl allowed herself to be guided away but never once broke eye contact with the brat in the corner. Tachikawa himself couldn't help but release a heavy breath as she finally exited the room. He couldn't pinpoint why she was so on edge, but her first impressions with Tamakoma's members weren't favorable so far.

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