Chapter 23

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The group had been in this meeting for over half an hour and so far only Yuma had been addressed. Akira stood slightly behind Jin, hoping to avoid the eyes of the Commander and the combatants sitting to his right: Kazama and Miwa. Though they were speaking about somewhat important events such as an upcoming invasion, the blonde was zoned out and staring at the far wall.

Yoneya's words from before had been swirling around her head ever since she stepped in the elevator. Plus, the way that Konami had tried to persuade her that it might not be as black and white as she thought wasn't helping stabilize her feelings. She knew that she was hurt by what had happened but now she had begun to question everything that had happened.

'Why didn't Izumi just take it when you were sleeping?'

'The Izumi I know wouldn't do that to you.'

Akira gently shook her head. She was beginning to question herself. But I know what I heard... So why was this becoming so confusing? Truthfully, there was only one person that could possibly clear up this entire situation but she had no desire to speak to him. Or be in the same room as him.

"Your thoughts, Akira?" The blonde's eyes shot up to meet Commander Kido's. She simply stared at him, unaware of his question. She didn't want to seem incompetent, but she had paid zero attention to this meeting thus far. Everyone looked at her in anticipation but she just scratched her neck awkwardly.

"What were we talking about?" Kinuta snorted a scoff and crossed his arms. He had been bouncing back and forth between liking this girl and despising her.

"Aftokrator! We need to know about them if they're planning on attacking." Akira stood in thought for a moment. She scanned everyone around her, specifically focusing on the four that stared in her direction from their seats in the front of the projection room. Miwa glared at her with distaste. Of course he did, he was a hater of all Neighbors. Kazama narrowed his eyes at her. He probably thought she was stupid, but also probably also disliked that she had stood up to him in front of trainees last week.

Kinuta looked down on her as usual. That was the least bit surprising since he found most of the teens a waste of time and space. As for Kido, he held that same expression he always wore. He was solid like concrete, like a marble bust sitting atop a pedestal. She didn't know why, but after finding out his true intentions through Tachikawa made her sick to her stomach. If he was willing to go back on their agreement and blindside her, why did she owe him anything?

Akira tilted her head down, her bangs shielding her eyes from those she faced. A snarl presented itself on her lips but she did her best not to explode at them.

"Why should I tell you anything?" Her voice was quiet and dull, completely opposite from her usual chipper demeanor.

"Because you agreed to keep us informed about incoming nations when we allowed you to live here," Kido reminded. He was right but the way he talked down to her only made her anger rise to the surface. If Yoneya hadn't clouded her mind before this, maybe this wouldn't have happened and she would've offered her assistance. But the overwhelming ambush of everyone's opinions of what she should and shouldn't do was really starting to piss her off.

"You promised my safety in return for information, but you've already gone back on that agreement." Jin eyed her from the side, wary about what her refusal of cooperation would entail. "Your threats and attempts at my black trigger have voided any contract I have with you, so you'll be getting nothing from me," she spat.

Silence filled the room with all eyes on her. She began to turn away from the Commander to exit the room but stopped about halfway, gazing at him over her shoulder.

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