Chapter 29

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The air was completely still, no one daring to move after what they had just witnessed. Fear settled in the hearts of many agents who all bore witness to a slaughter by one of their very own. Or was she one of them? No one knew what to think of the Tachikawa Squad girl anymore.

Even Kido was silent, watching video feed that was relayed into the Command Room through the eyes of their agents. Multiple angles replayed over and over, blood splattering against the pavement and revealing just what this girl was capable of. She had warned them, after all. However, it didn't stop some of the staff members from leaving the room and ridding their eyes of the scene.

Seeing her commit such an act with such precision and skill... There was no doubt that she really was one of the most feared individuals in all of the Neighborhood. But, was that good or bad for them?

Kido eventually cleared his throat, drawing everyone back to reality.

"Continue with your orders," he demanded. However, not a single agent moved a muscle. No one wanted to go up against her after what they just witnessed. She would massacre them if they tried to go after her.

Akira glanced at the body one more time before watching decayed hands sprout from the ground, slowly dragging the decapitated remains beneath the dirt in an improper burial. The body would eventually decay in another realm, but this act would at least remove it from the eyes of the public. Her green eyes shifted to where her brother hid behind Izumi, shaky breaths escaping his parted lips. She knew just by the look on his face that he was terrified of her after what she did, but she needed to sort things out while she still had the chance. He was going to be fine. She knew he would.

In a split second, she appeared in front of the two boys, crouched down to look up at her younger brother. He recoiled at her appearance but settled down. Had she wanted to kill him, she would've already done so with the chance he'd originally offered her. Who was he to judge? Less than fifteen minutes ago, he'd wanted nothing more than to kill her himself.

"I'm so sorry," she muttered. Her stained hand came up to brush his hair out of his eyes. "Everything is gonna be okay, I promise." Before she had the chance to elaborate, Izumi had dropped his Trigger and clutched the collar of her attire, yanking her up to his height with his bare hands.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?!" Though he yelled, she knew he wasn't upset with her in the slightest. No, he was worried about her. He was worried about what they were gonna do with her after this. "W-What the hell are we gonna do?"

Her right hand slithered under his grip and landed against the side of his jaw. The solemn look in her eyes made his heart drop.

"Everything is gonna be okay," she reassured again. The male shook his head, gripping onto her tighter. Part of him knew what she was getting at but he refused to believe it.


"You have to promise me―"


"Promise me you'll take care of him!" He stared back at her weakly. She was stubborn and hard-headed. He knew there was no way of convincing her to stay and work things out, but he didn't want her to leave. Izumi didn't know what he'd do with himself if she left. He couldn't let her disappear without knowing if he'd ever see her again. He continued to shake his head, tears welling up in his honey-colored eyes. "Promise me you'll help him live. That he'll be safe and get to be a kid for once."

He shook his head again. "Please..."

"You should be here, too." Her lips pursed at the idea. She knew that all that was left here for her was a cell to get acquainted with. Her eyes glossed over. She didn't want this to be goodbye, but she couldn't live with herself locked in a cage. And she couldn't take Erias with her, forcing him to run with her for the rest of his life.

Akira launched herself against Izumi in a bone-crushing hug, her arms wrapping impossibly tight around his neck. She didn't want to let go, breathing him in one last time.

"Thank you for everything," she whimpered. His arms wrapped around her middle, hoping to trap her against him and keep her from leaving. However, she was one step ahead and easily shoved him away with the strength of the Black Trigger. "I'm sorry."

Returning to her dropped weapon, Akira returned to an offensive stance and swung the blade at thin air. Everyone was shocked to see the edge of the scythe catch against nothing, ripping through time and space and creating a portal that led far away from them. Watching as she stepped through the gate, Izumi's heart began to race.

"Akira, please!" He reached out one last time, hoping to catch her eyes and change her mind. They had just started to fix things, she couldn't leave yet. They were supposed to try again. She couldn't leave him. He didn't know what to do without her. He didn't want to be without her.

Though, it was too late as the gate closed behind her, leaving them in a tense silence, mourning her absence. Even though she'd had a foul reaction to the events of today, Konami scowled at the spot that Akira once stood.

"She's gone," she muttered into the comms for all of Headquarters and the agents to hear. "Are you happy now, Kido?"

On the other side of the gate, the gloss of Akira's eyes only made her glare more fierce. She was no all-powerful being. She couldn't just leave and turn up wherever she pleased. So, she figured she'd hitch a ride.

Hyrein, Ranbanein, Mira, and Viza all sat stiffly in their seats as she stood tall, leering down at them now aboard their ship. They had all been defeated, losing half of their members in their fight against Meeden, some purposely and some unfortunately. Mira made a slight shift of her fingers, her trigger still activated but flinched in shock as a scythe pierced into the table right in front of her, the tip barely missing her leg underneath it.

"Any sudden movements and I'll kill you all." While the woman gulped at the threat, Ranbanein grinned at the blonde. He'd already lost to her once today without her Black Trigger, so he knew he wouldn't be starting a fight with her.

"What do you want if not to kill us?" Hyrein's brow cocked at the blonde female who seemed beyond frustrated, unaware of the sacrifice she'd just made.

"I want you to take me back to Aftokrator."

"And what makes you think we'll just accept and take you with us?" She scoffed at his naivety. Did he not know who he was talking to right now?

"The ship and I are going regardless of your decision. It depends on whether you want to see your homeland and your families again." No one dared speak against her, fearing for their own lives. "And when we arrive, you," she pointed at Hyrein, "will take me to the best doctor you can find so I can have these horns removed for good." The man scoffed at her demand.

"Horn removal at your age is incredibly dangerous. You can get permanent brain damage from minor complications."

"Then, I'll have your head." He bit his tongue. She really was not one to be messed with.

"If he won't take you, then I will," Ranbanein offered. The others looked at him with disdain, having given in to her requests too easily. "What?" He shrugged his broad shoulders and shut his eyes. "She already beat my ass once today. I'm not dying over this."

Akira slung her scythe over her shoulder and sat down in one of the vacant seats facing the others.

"Good choice." Her eyes drifted over to the old man who sat to her left. He had been awfully quiet, though it made sense as they hadn't seen each other in years. "Viza," she greeted with a nod to her old sword master.

"Akira. I almost didn't recognize you." She wanted to believe he was referring to her matured appearance, but knew it was because of the gloom that settled around her compared to the bright smiles and laughter she used to offer him.

"Had to grow up too fast."

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