Chapter 21

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"What happened in here?" Tachikawa smacked the back of Yuiga's head before he even noticed him standing behind him. The squad room was melancholic as he stepped in for the afternoon. Izumi was face-down in the couch cushions with Kunichika sitting on the floor beside him with her hand on his back, trying her best to offer him some comfort.

When Yuiga looked up questioningly at his Captain, all he received was a shake of his head, pleading with him not to ask. Izumi finally pulled his tear-stricken face out from the couch that he and Akira had slept on and looked at his obnoxious teammate that he'd bullied since he joined. Everyone was just watching him, waiting to see if he'd explode like a landmine. He hated the idea of them all treating him like he was broken, but wasn't he?

"Please stop looking at me like that." Tachikawa sat on their other couch watching as his teammate slowly pulled himself up to sit normally as well.

"I'm gonna go talk to her."


"Someone has to go fix things!" Everyone looked to their Captain who had a rare frown on his face. "I'm the one that fucked it up, so I'll go explain everything."

"She's not even gonna open the door for you, dude."

"What's happening?" Everyone now looked at Yuiga who was still standing by the door, completely clueless as to what was going on. "Why is Izumi-senpai crying on the couch and who do we have to apologize to?" Izumi stared into his eyes for a moment before hanging his head. He couldn't look anyone in the eyes right now. His heart hurt too much.

"I said something stupid and ruined his date with Akira." Tachikawa stood from his spot on the couch. "Now, I'm gonna go fix it."

"But Izumi already said she's probably not gonna open her door for you," Kunichika added. "Maybe..." Silence fell over the room. No one really had any ideas of how to make this work. Akira was obtrusively stubborn and there was no way she'd agree to speak to any of them right now. Except maybe...

"Yuiga!" Tachikawa had two fingers jabbing into the boy's chest before slinging an arm over his shoulder and bringing him in close to his side. "We'll have Yuiga go! Akira knows he poses no threat whatsoever, so if anyone has a chance at going, it's him!"

Everyone looked to Izumi for approval who deadly stared at the three of them without a hint of emotion behind his eyes. Yuiga even gave him a thumbs up signifying that he was willing to help. Yet, Izumi looked so dead inside.

"Whatever..." Their faces all dropped at his lack of enthusiasm. A feeling of hopelessness had started to grow in him after seeing the look she gave him in the hallway. She looked like she wanted him dead. Like she never wanted to even breathe the same air as him. He wondered if his actions were enough to scare her off to another Neighborhood country. He sure hoped not because he didn't know what he would do if he never got to apologize.

He choked at the thought. He didn't know if he'd survive a blow to the heart like that. "Go for it," he grumbled. "I doubt it'll work but," he lifted his head back up to look at them, "I'll do anything."

"Then, it's settled." Tachikawa and Kunichika worked together to push Yuiga out the door. "Off you go, miracle man!" The boy wrung his hands together nervously as he walked through the halls. He didn't even know what he was supposed to be apologizing for but he wanted it to work. After seeing the look on Izumi-senpai's face, he needed this to work.

When Yuiga turned the corner, he began preparing how he would start his speech but felt his practiced words get caught in his throat. He froze in place, watching as Akira, carrying a large duffle bag, was led out of her room and toward the elevator by Jin. Wherever they were going, it didn't look like it was gonna be a quick trip. Before he could stop them, they were out of sight and he knew he had to run and tell the others before it was too late.

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