Chapter 4

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A huge map exploded out of her small device, bright and colorful lines and shapes floating around the room. Some traveled in a fixed orbit while others traced haphazardly around the map. Everyone's faces were illuminated by the light show as the map spread out to fill the entire room, surrounding everyone within the Conference Room. A lot of them gazed toward the ceiling in awe.

"This is the Neighborhood. Hundreds of planetary nations exist just like yours. Most nations have natural orbits, but a few float around the Neighborhood haphazardly. We call them Errant Nations. Because of this, some nations are unreachable from a position like Meeden's and won't come anywhere near here for centuries.

"Even regular orbiting nations can take years to reach. It all depends on how long each orbital rotation takes to complete its path and if the nations will cross paths at all. There is a certain distance between nations that allows contact―"

"We know how the neighborhood works," Kinuta interrupted. Though he was right, she was still pissed at his disrespect. She shot him a glare, disregarding his words. She knew they weren't totally stupid, but they weren't as smart as they thought either. "You're not the first neighbor to step across the border."

"As I was saying," she spat, still loving her fierce eyes with the stout man. "Because of this, my residence here is pretty safe for you considering your position on the map." She used the device in her hand to zoom into their position, showing them all of the surrounding nations as well. "These are the only nations you'll probably ever encounter because of their positions. And the chances of an irregular coming into orbit... Well, the chances are slim to none.

"Meaning, in my lifetime, you'll probably only be visited by a few for good reason."

"You say you're running from Aftokratese? Where are they on this map?"

"Aftokrator," she corrected. Man, these guys weren't that bright. She grit her teeth and pointed to a large, regularly orbiting nation with an intersecting path with Meeden. "They, as well as their vassal states," she pointed to a group of smaller nations, "are all within your boundaries, unfortunately. In fact, they should be intersecting within the coming months."

"So, we're facing the wrath of your country almost immediately?!" Kinuta stood from his seat and began directing his outburst toward the Commander. "She's no more than a liability!"

"No." All eyes in the room shifted back to the blonde, her features suddenly eerie with a devilish look in her green irises. "The only ones that have ever come after me are Galopoula and Rhodokhroun. So far, I've been able to handle their assailants single-handedly, so they won't be an issue. They don't have the power they need to take me down."

"And what about Aftokrator?" Akira finally directed her attention back on Commander Kido, albeit slightly shocked by his sudden inquiry.

"They've never initiated a personal attack against me because they're scared. Not only do they not want to risk losing any of their black triggers to me," she smirked at the older male across the room, "but they know that as soon as my old professor comes near me, he's as good as dead."

The room was silenced as the air thickened. Kido shuffled and adjusted his position in his chair, his hands clasping together in front of his mouth.

"So, given the opportunity, you plan to kill this man?" She nodded with conviction. "With your black trigger?"

Akira's hand instinctively came up to clasp around her necklace. She gulped her nerves down but held the man's dull stare.

"Yeah. To avenge my parents' deaths using the black trigger that my mother left behind. I will bring down the man that ruined my life."

"Unacceptable... Kazama," he called. "Seize the trigger." A short male with dark hair and bright red eyes stood from the table and was about to make an advance when Akira's voice rang out again.

"I wouldn't if I were you. This will have an ugly ending, Commander." Tension thickened in the air as the girl stared down the man, eyeing every twitch of his body as if he was ready to strike.

"Kido-san," a new voice joined the fray. He had fluffy brunette hair and a confident grin on his face. "Let's not be hasty. From what I can tell, she'll be quite useful to us." Akira's green eyes shifted from him to the Commander who seemed to narrow his eyes slightly. "Plus, I know how this will end. And you won't have much of an army left if you let this continue."

All eyes fell back on the blonde, her glare centered on the Commander with her necklace still gripped in her palm. She wanted to basque in peace among them, but she'd protect herself first over anything else.

A long sigh spilled from Kido's lips, his fingers tracing their usual patterns on his scar.

"Your residence will be allowed," many in the room choked at the decision, "but any use of the black trigger is prohibited, regardless of if you meet this man or not." Her blonde brows furrowed in disbelief. "You will follow these rules unless you want it to be seized. Tachikawa Squad will continue to monitor you from day to day, but any detection of that trigger will have consequences of which I'm sure you'll find unpleasant."

She grit her teeth, wanting nothing more than to bite back at the man and refuse his rules. However, she knew that if she bit her tongue now, she could overrule them later if need be. Akira finally dropped her hand back to her side, turning off her mapping device and returning it to her pocket.

"It's been a pleasure working with you." She placed her hands on her hips and leaned backward, trying to get her back to pop. Some of the boys were slightly unnerved by her sudden change in attitude. She had threatened their comrade's life just moments ago and now she was back to her usual nonchalant personality. "Can I go back to bed now?" Commander Kido nodded at Izumi and reluctantly sent them away. However, the journey wasn't as peaceful as she'd expected it to be.

The blonde boy held a firm grip on her arm, right over her bicep. When she tried to shrug him off, his grip only tightened, making her wince. She side-eyed him and pouted. "What's with you all of a sudden?"

"You didn't tell me you were a murderer," he growled. He yanked her along, almost making her trip on her feet. But he forgot who he was messing with. Akira planted her feet and jolted her body back, stumbling as she tore her arm from his grasp. "Hey!"

"What the hell is your problem? How does any of this change things?"

"It changes everything!" The two were now in each others' faces like snarling dogs.

"And why do you think I didn't wanna tell you?" The blonde boy almost stepped back in submission. Wouldn't he have done the same thing if he were on the run? "Forget about it," she spat. "I'll walk myself back to my room." Izumi watched as she stomped off down the hallway with her trigger gripped tightly between her fingers. He huffed as she slowly left his sight, glancing down at his hand that twitched from squeezing her arm so tight.

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