Chapter 7

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Ayo when were you guys gonna tell me I published the wrong chapter??? Like... My bad y'all, you guys missed out on this and I had no clue. Anywayyyyyyyysssss... Enjoy. Hold me accountable. Peace.

"I'm bored." Akira laid face up on her bed, repeatedly tossing her trigger up toward the ceiling. She had her legs sprawled out and her left arm supported her head. Meanwhile, Izumi laid on his stomach right beside her, his eyes engrossed in a game on his phone. He looked childish; his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth in concentration and his feet swinging back and forth. "Izumi." The boy continued to ignore her, completely distracted by his game. "I-zu-mi," she prodded at his side with every syllable.

"Shhhh," he swatted her away. "I'm trying to focus." She continued to annoy him, hoping to draw his attention away from the device.

"Why is your game so important when I'm here?" She batted her eyelashes at him, turning onto her stomach to be right next to him. He didn't have his trigger activated for once, so when their skin brushed, she could feel his warmth. She was incredibly close to cuddling up next to him before catching herself. "Come on, stop playing!" Izumi paused his game and turned his head so that their noses were almost touching.

"For a kiss," he grinned teasingly. Akira gazed into his amber eyes for just a moment before inching closer until their noses were touching. Izumi's face flushed red as the tables were turned against him in the fight he started. He gulped thickly at the close proximity. She huffed in satisfaction and then rolled back over to face away from him. The boy stared at her back and how her long, blonde locks sprawled across the sheets.

He thought about how he was currently lying beside a girl―for the first time―and how comfortable he felt around her. He thought about the way his heart sped up every time she got closer; especially just moment ago. He thought about how beautiful she was and how he really, actually wanted to kiss her. He thought about how insatiable these feelings had become ever since denying them. Though he never would've gotten here without following Tachikawa's plan, he regretting thinking so selfishly when he really, truly did want to be around this girl.

Before he knew it, his arm snaked around her waist and tugged her closer until she was pressed up against him. She was about to protest his actions until he cut her off. "Come on. Don't you think we'd be cute together?" Akira froze. She had never been so close to him before. Or to anyone, for that matter. She could feel his breath fanning the back of her neck which sent shivers down her spine. But they were then counteracted by the heat of his chest pressed up against her back. It made her heart flutt―

The girl spun around in his hold and began shoving him away, albeit only using half of her strength as she was unsure of her own feelings. He chuckled as he fought against her, only holding her tighter as she struggled. And then she started shoving his face, quickly ruining the cuteness of the situation. "Fine, fine. I'll let you go." Izumi held his arm up to relinquish his grip on her but found that her struggle stopped and she refrained from moving away from him. He cocked a brow in amusement and slowly reattached his arm to her body. "That's what I thought," he mumbled smugly. The low croak of his voice only made her cheeks burn hotter.

The girl snuggled even closer to him, hiding her embarrassed blush in his chest. She was internally screaming at herself for giving in to such trivial emotions, but she was also so comfortable in his hold.

"Just this once, okay?" He sarcastically agreed at her meek request and felt a yawn build up in his throat. As it escaped his lips, he took a bold chance and tangled their legs together, finding no argument from the girl.

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