Chapter 19

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Akira and Kohei had finally made it back to the Tachikawa Squad room where the latter had suggested they relax and watch a movie. If he was being honest, though, it was because he didn't want to sleep yet. He didn't want their night together to end.

Akira kicked off her black baby heels that Konami insisted she borrow for her first date. She was grateful for the feeling of the cool floor on her soles as they ached from being at such an unnatural angle for the past few hours. She gingerly threw herself on the couch, the boy joining her moments after he selected a movie to play.

"This one's Tachikawa's favorite. It makes no sense to anyone but him."

"Odd choice... But it sounds fun," she smiled to him. It was an odd choice, truthfully. In fact, Kohei chose it because he didn't exactly want them to be watching the movie. Akira glanced beside her, finding almost a whole cushion separating the two of them. It was almost uncomfortable how distant they seemed after how close they had been all night. However, she chose to ignore it, trying to pay some attention to the movie the male had selected. If it was what he wanted to watch, then she wanted to do what he wanted to do.

They were maybe forty minutes into the movie that Kohei had selected when Akira could feel her brain melting. Not only was she not privy to the culture and some of Meeden's languages, but the film itself was peculiar and had no detectable plot line. She instantly knew that her Captain must enjoy some of Meeden's selection of drugs which would explain a whole lot... But mostly why he liked this movie.

The blonde sat up from her slumped stature and laughed tiredly. "We're gonna have to restart this another time because I can barely comprehend what's happening right now." She laughed as the scene switched again to something that continued to make zero sense. "I literally can't focus."

"Yeah," the boy drawled. Akira shifted her head and glanced at him from the side, finding him already looking back at her like he hadn't taken his eyes off of her since they'd arrived. "I'm not watching either." The girl snickered at his overly flirtatious take, completely forgetting about the film on the screen. She turned her body to face him, leaning against the back of the sofa like he was.

"Even though you put it on?" He grinned at her teasing, turning to match her position.

"More like background noise," he murmured. "I've got my eyes on something else."

"Oh, yeah? Like what?"

"My future." Her cheeks flared bright red as they locked eyes. She leaned a little closer, her voice becoming quieter and quieter with each word that came out.

"What is it you want, huh?" Her breath escaped her lungs at the brush of their noses. She begged him not to answer, to pull away, to stop from making her fall. His hand was suddenly on her temple, brushing her blonde hair behind her ear and drawing her just a bit closer by the side of her face. A single move would seal her fate now, praying he would.

"You." Akira let her lids fall shut and closed the distance between them. The way their lips fit together so perfectly made her heart pound out of her chest. She pulled away after a moment, savoring the sensation on her skin. It lasted only a moment, though, as she chose not to shy away and kissed him once more.

Kohei held her close to him so that she wouldn't pull away again. He could feel himself getting lost in the feeling of finally kissing her since he had been thinking about this moment for months. And it only got better and better as she leaned forward and pushed them back so she was now laid on top of him. Their kiss never ended, their lips refusing to separate.

His hands traced her hips, dragging up and down her sides making shivers run down her spine. He dragged her closer, intensifying their kiss as their legs sifted together. She could feel her heart pounding out of her chest. She was so nervous about what this interaction might bring but she was so content at the moment. No one had ever made her feel this way; safe, loved, wanted. She wanted to live in this moment forever and let it take her wherever it desired. His lips on hers was suddenly the only thing she could think about and the way he so gently held her close made her entire body heat up.

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