Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Because this is the last chapter I'll make it as long as I can, my treat (Well I'll try)! Thanks so much for reading this story it's been fun!
Edward's POV:

I woke up in a cold sweat. I instantly shot up from whatever I was laying on. I noticed I was back in the hotel. My eyes scanned around for (Y/N)... She wasn't anywhere. I got up from the bed and ran out the room. I then bumped into something hard. I look up and see Alphonse.

"Brother, you're awake! What happened?! I found you passed out!" Al asked. I tried getting past him but he wouldn't let me.

"I need to find (Y/N)!" I yelled anger in my voice. "Envy, that bastard kidnapped her!" I yelled. Al gasped.

"Do you know where they went?" Al asked. I shook my head no.

"We need to find her! Who knows what that bastard will do to her!" I shouted walking out of the hotel and outside with Al closely behind me.


(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up. My vision was blurry. I had a huge headache that hurt like hell. I was lying on something that was ice cold. I looked around and noticed I was in a dark surrounding. I tried to get up but I was tied down by my waist to a table. What the hell. I thought back and remember Envy kidnapped me. Dammit... I struggled once again but couldn't get up. I sighed. I then heard sinister laughter. I look up and see the damn palm tree...

"You're finally up Sweetie." He said. I glared.

"Where the hell am I?!" I asked anger in my voice.

"No where special... Just a place where we can have some alone time..." His voice trailed off. I give him a death glare. He was about to touch my hair but I snapped at him.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me." I shouted. He just chuckled. "Ed will find me and he'll kick your ass!" I yelled looking away. Ed... where is he...? I feel his hand lift up my chin so I was looking in his demon like eyes.

"To bad the pipsqueak won't be able to find you..." He said. His hand made it's way to my hair, he gently brushed trough it. I tried to get away from him but I couldn't.

"Let me go...!" I shouted struggling some more. He let out a sigh of annoyance. He pulled a knife out and he placed it near my neck. I stopped moving.

"Are you going to stop your damn screaming and moving?" He asked with a smirk. I stayed silent. He took the knife away but I knew he'll try to use it again. I moved my arms a little and noticed the rope was loose. I carefully slipped them out and release my hands from them but my body was still tied up. I punched Envy as hard as I could. He flinched a little. He then pulled out the knife again, he sliced my arm with it. I yelped in pain. Slowly blood started to gush out. Envy quickly tied my arms again but this time a lot tighter he also tied them above my head to something.

"Just let me go you bastard! What the hell are you going to do to me?"" I yelled. He just smirked and leaned in close to my ear.

"Just wait and see Sweetie..." He whispered. I feel his lips kiss my neck. My eyes widened.

"Please..." I whimpered. "Don't..." I feel his cold hands go up and down my body. I feel my eyes get watery. I struggle more. Fear was all I was feeling. He stopped kissing my neck and started to untied the rope that was around my waist. He then quickly tied up my ankles to something. He then started to take off my shirt. This is crossing the line. Instead of fear I felt pure anger. Luckily he didn't tie my ankles as tight as he did my wrist so I easily got them out of the rope. I then quickly kicked him hard right in the stomach. He flew back a couple inches back.

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