Chapter One

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(Y/N)'s POV:
3 years later

*age 15*

I can't believe it's already been 3 years since I've seen them, I thought to myself. Al, Winry... Ed... I hope you guys are doing okay... I on the other hand was doing fine, I guess. I've been on my own since I left. The reason for my leaving is because I didn't want to hurt anyone. I hurt Ed and Al by not helping them to my capability. I should've known they would try bringing their beloved mother back. I should've stop them. I clutched the necklace Edward gave me for my 10th birthday.

I sighed. As of now, I was on my way to Central. I wanted to become a State Alchemist, despite what people say about it. I didn't care. I just needed something to do. I trained and studied a lot more alchemy. A lot more than what I did with Alphonse and Edward. When I wasn't training and studying, I just traveled around the country. I never really socialized with people but, when I did, it wasn't much, just simple small chat. They would normally ask why I'm out by myself at such a young age. I wouldn't tell them exactly what happened in my past, I would just say "I don't have a family." They then would pity me, which would annoyed me.

The train came to a complete stop. I stood up, grabbed my luggage, and walked out of the train. I walked around, trying to find Headquarters. God, where the hell is it. Before giving up on it, I stopped and thought, did I really want to become a Military dog? What was so great about being a State Alchemist anyway...? I let out a long sigh. Maybe I won't become one... I turned around to fast causing me to trip. Ugh, so stupid. Hopefully no one saw that. I then feel someone's presences in front of me. I didn't look up, I was to embarrassed.

"Hey are you okay?" Said a really familiar voice. My eyes widened. I quickly look up and see a pair of honey-colored eyes.

"Ed...?" My voice said quietly.

"(Y/N)..." Edward said, clearly he was surprised based on his facial expression. Ed looked kind of different, he had longer hair that was in a braid. But he still had the same beautiful golden eyes. He helped me up to my feet and I have him a tight hug. He hesitated but hugged back.

"I missed you..." I said, feeling my eyes get watery. It was true I did miss him and everybody else too. He released me from the hug, I didn't want him to let go... wait what...?

"Then why did you leave...?" He asked, staring into my (e/c) eyes. I didn't want to answer so I quickly changed the subject.

"Wheres Al? I thought he would be with you." I say, a slight smile on my face.

"Oh, he's in Headquarters talking to Colonel Mustang." Ed said smiling back. I missed that smile...

"Ironically, I've been walking around trying to find that damn Headquarters. Couldn't find it..." I say awkwardly laughing. Ed chuckled.

"Oh, why is that...?" He asked, curiosity in his voice.

"I wanted to become a State Alchemist, but now I'm not so sure. Probably not anymore..." I say shrugging.

"I'm a State Alchemist," He said smiling. My mouth dropped opened. He then pulled out the signature pocket watch.

"Cool, so, I'm guessing you still do alchemy?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. Edward nodded.

"Yup, they call me the Fullmetal Alchemist." He said chuckling at the name. I give him a questioning glance.

"Fullmetal? Why?" I asked. He then took off his white glove and pulled up his red sleeve, revealing his automail arm. My eyes widened.

"Because I have an automail arm but, Fullmetal Alchemist does have a ring to it don't you think?" Ed laughed. I looked away. If I would of just warned Ed and Al about human transmutation, Ed wouldn't have this arm. I feel a tear slide down my cheek. Ed looked at me, concern in his eyes.

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