Chapter Fifteen/Alternate

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A/N: Sorry for making you cry last time... Don't Worry you won't with this chapter! It's more lighthearted and happy!(: Btw it's going to start after Ed comes to rescue you from the last chapter. Hope you enjoy!
Y/N's POV:

As I watch Ed beat Envy, I slowly sat myself up. I ignore the sharp pain in my stomach. I have to be strong... I can't die like this. I coughed up some blood.

"Take it easy (Y/N)..." Al said reassuringly. I coughed more blood. Ed eventually threw Envy outside and he raced towards me.

"(Y/N) are you all right?" He asked worry filled his voice. I nodded which was actually a little lie. I was not doing all right but I kept telling myself to be strong.

"Yeah, it's just a scratch..." I mumbled. I feel Ed grab my hand.

"No it's not, let me see..." He said. He pulled up my shirt a little to look at my wounds. "We need to get her to a hospital Al..." He mumbled.

"A hospital is a couple miles away and she's losing a lot of blood... Will we make it?" Al questioned.

"Don't be stupid of course she'll make it..." Ed said harshly. Ed took of his coat and gently wrapped it around my waist covering the wounds. He tried to pick me up but I stopped him.

"Stop... I can... do it..." I said my voice sounding tired. Despite feeling really weak and light headed, I still manage to get up on my feet.

"Are you sure...?" Ed asked. I nodded. He put his arm around me to give me support. We walked a few paces and I collapsed. Ed then gently picked me up bridal style.

"I can walk Ed...S-so put me down..." I said to him. He shook his head.

"Stop it (Y/N) okay... We need to get you to a hospital..." He said not giving me eye contact. I felt like passing out but I kept my eyes awake. I then feel a tear drop on to my cheek. I look up at Ed, his honey colored eyes were filled with tears. He's crying...

"Ed... Don't cry... I'll be fine..." I said reassuringly. I felt a jolt of pain that caused me to cough up blood once more. Ed gently rubbed off the remaining blood that was on my lip.

"I'm not crying..." He mumbled.

"Ed I'm not going to die well at least I hope I don't, even if I do, you know that I-" I was interrupted by him.

"Please don't saying anything like that (Y/N), you're not going to die okay?" He said with a serious tone. He was now looking at me. His eyes were filled with fear, fear of me dying...

"Okay..." I mumbled back. He gently kisses my forehead. "Hey could you let me walk now?" I asked. Ed was unsure at first but then he decided to put me down. I grasped Ed's warm hand for support as I made my first few steps. For each step I took, it sent a jolt of pain through out my whole body, especially my stomach. I don't even know where we are or where the nearest hospital is. I took a few more steps and my vision became blurry. I stumbled. "Ed..." I whispered before I see the whole world around me get engulfed in darkness.

Ed's POV:

I caught (Y/N) just before she hit the ground.

"Dammit, we need to find a hospital now!" I say to Al. I carried (Y/N) bridal style and ran at a fast pace, Al following behind. "Please (Y/N), hold on a little longer..." I whispered to her. Her breathing was getting short. As Al and I were running a man stopped us.

"Is that woman okay?" He asked.

"No, now get the hell out of my way so I can get her to a hospital!" I said annoyed.

"Well you're not going to find a hospital anytime soon. There's one a few miles away, I don't think she'll will make it that way she looks. Lucky for you I'm a doctor." The man said. I looked at him hopefully.

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