Chapter Thirteen

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(Y/N) POV:

My arm was hurting a lot while Ed was carrying me back to the hotel. Yet, I felt safe and comfy in his arms. That caused me to doze off for a minute or two. When we arrived at the Hotel, Ed carefully placed me on the bed.

"Are you okay babe?" He asked. I instantly blushed at the nickname.

"Babe? Really...? But yeah I'm fine." I chuckled. He chuckled too. He lightly kissed my forehead.

"Where did he hurt you at?" He asked. I lifted my injured arm at him.

"He hurt my arm, but I don't think it's broken." I explained. He gently examined my arm. I bit my lip because of the slight pain.

"Try moving your fingers" He said. I obeyed, I could slightly move them.

"Okay good, I don't think it's broken but it does looks like it hurts like hell He said. I nodded.

"Yeah it does..." I mumbled. Ed changed his expression into a serious face.

"This wouldn't of happened if you didn't stepped in to help..." He said quietly staring in my eyes. I rolled them.

"Why is it that you can protect me but, I can't protect you?" I asked crossing my one arm that wasn't hurting. Ed let out a big sigh and laid down next to me.

"(Y/N), I already told you, I don't want you to get hurt. Why can't you understand that?" He asked. I let out a sigh too.

"Why can't you understand that I don't want you hurt either?" I snapped. We both sighed.

"I can protect myself..." he mumbled. I already knew we were going to get into a pretty big fight.

"Oh, and I can't?" I scoffed. Minutes went by as we continued to argue and argue. Al came barging through the door.

"Guys, seriously, Quit fighting!" Al said, irritation in his voice. I rolled my eyes. I then got off of the bed and I put on a sweatshirt.

"Where are you going?" Al asked. Ed didn't even look up. He was just as pissed as I was.

"Out..." I mumbled before exiting the bedroom and slamming the door. I then walked out of the hotel. When I got outside, a cold blast of wind hit my face. I put my hood up and started to walk. I didn't pay attention to where I was going, I just kept walking. To be completely honest, I was crying a little. I always hate when Ed and I fight. I'm afraid one day we'll get into a really big fight and break up, and obviously I absolutely don't want that to happen. Without looking, I bumped into someone. I look up and see a tall man about my age, I didn't recognized him. He smiled which creeped me out a little.

"Sorry..." I mumbled. I was about to walk away but I feel his hand go on my shoulder.

"It's all right. Whys a pretty girl like you crying?" He asked. I let out a sigh.

"Just got into a fight with someone..." I quietly said.

"Who your boyfriend?" The guy asked. I don't even know who the hell this person is, I don't even know why I'm telling a complete stranger my problems. But, I guess it helps to talk it out.

"Um sure..." I mumbled. The man chuckled.

"You should be with a guy that doesn't make a beautiful girl cry..." He said calmly, placing his other hand on my shoulder.

"Excuse me?" I said louder. I slapped his hand of my shoulder.

"Easy, I was just trying to make you feel better." He smirked. He was about to touch my face but I backed away.

"Stop! Don't touch me!" I exclaimed. I was about to walk away but he firmly grabbed my wrist, the same arm I hurt.

"Your not going any where." He said. I tried pulling away, he only grabbed harder. He pulled me closer to him.

"Let me go you fuc-!" I shouted but interrupted by him slapping me across my face.

"Honey, no ones going to come get you. Now let's get going..." He said pulling me which caused the pain to come back to my arm. My eyes were getting watery. A few moments later, I was gently pushed down to the ground by another person. I quickly look up and see Edward.

"Leave her alone..." He said with a mean look in his eyes. The man laughed.

"What's a shorty like you going to do about it?" He snickered. Oh boy, that pissed Ed off.

"It's one thing to call me short, but when you mess with my girl, you-" He didn't even finalist his sentence because he punched the guy right in his face. The man fell to the ground and got knocked out. Ed turned around facing me to help me up. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck

"Thanks Ed..." I mumbled.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry... If I wasn't a jerk to you, you wouldn't of ran off... I'm sorry... I'm so so sorr-" I interrupted his rambling by gently placing my finger over his lips. He blushes a deep red.

"It's okay Ed... I'm fine now..." I say with a small smile.

"Okay... Let's just go back okay. I don't want you to get hurt..." He mumbled grabbing my hand as we walked backed to the hotel. We continued to be really close to each other the rest of the day. Just being by his side made me happy.

Night time rolled around so it was time to go to sleep. Before climbing in bed, I quickly changed into my pjs. Without realizing it until I was done, Ed was watching me. He was in the bed with a small smirk and blush on his face. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Peeping Tom..." I mumbled with irritation in my voice. I climbed into bed I sat as far away as I could from him.

"You're so weird..." I said crossing my arms. I feel the bed move because Ed was getting closer to me. He sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry babe but I didn't know you were going I change right in front of me." He said. I blushed more at that nickname again.

"Stop calling me that... it's weird..." I said with a slight giggle. Ed chuckled.

"What you don't like it babe?" He said laughing. My whole face felt red. I then feel his hand lift up my chin so I was staring into his honey colored eyes. I then feel his soft lips press against mine.... We haven't kissed in awhile. He used his other hand to push back my soft (h/c) hair out of my face. I feel his tongue gently glide across my lower lip, asking for an entrance. I stubbornly kept my mouth shut. He quietly growled in response. He then made us fall back on the bed, he was on top. This caused me to gasp. Ed took this chance to stick his tongue on my mouth. As we continued to kiss, his fingers gently brushed through my hair. We broke apart for air. Ed was staring into my (e/c) eyes. A small smile formed on his lips. I tilted my head.

"What?" I asked. His smiled grew. He then embraced me into a tight hug. I slightly blush.

"I... love you (Y/N)" He whispered in my ear. As soon as those sweet words left his mouth, a smile spread across my face. It's been so long since he said that to me. I could feel a small blush on my cheeks.

"I love you too Ed..." I said. He let me go and he gently kissed my cheek. He rolled off of me but still had his arm over me.

"Let's go to sleep now..." He mumbled. I nodded and replied.

"Good night beautiful..." I hear him say. I blushed.

"Night..." I say closing my eyes. Wow, Ed hasn't been this "romantic" I guess you could say, in forever. I don't think I blushed this hard in awhile. But damn... I love him so much...
A/N: End of chapter 13 just a giant "romantic" chapter I guess lol. 5k reads?! That's SOOOO amazing. I'm glad people actually like my story(: You guys have no idea how much it means to me! Thanks so much for reading! Love you!❤️ Chapter fourteen coming soon!!!

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