Chapter Five

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up, feeling my whole body ache. I glance around my surroundings and notice I was back in the hotel we were staying at. I look down and see I wasn't in my dress anymore. I was in a black tee shirt and shorts. I was also wearing Ed's red jacket. Did he changed my clothes. I hear someone open the door. I see a strange woman followed by Ed and Al. Ed raced for my bedside.

"(Y/N)! You're awake." He exclaimed grabbing my hand. My memory was a little foggy from what happened.

"What happened...?" I asked staring deep into his golden eyes.

"You almost died Miss (L/N)..." the doctor butted in. I then started to remember what happened... Lust did this to me...

"Good thing your boyfriend called me when he did..."

"We're not a couple..." Ed and I said in unison. The doctor sighed.

"Anyway, whatever stabbed you, cut you deep. Nearly cutting your internal organs, but I stopped the bleeding at the right time so, you should fine, just take it easy. Well, I'm off, have a good day and get well." She said getting up and exiting the room. After she left, Ed looked at me seriously.

"(Y/N), why didn't you run when I told you too?" He asked in a stern voice.

"I wanted to help. I do know how to fight..." I mumbled. Ed looked pissed and worried...

"You got seriously injured! You almost died too! I couldn't live with myself if you did!" He said looking away. I slightly blush.

"Well maybe I didn't want to leave you again..." I said back. Ed's expression softened.

"(Y/N)..." He murmured.

"4 years ago, I made a stupid choice of leaving you and Al... I'm sorry for that. I never want to run away from fear again... I just want to always be there for you guys... Be there for you, Ed..." I said looking down. I then feel Ed's arm go around me. I start to blush a deep red.

"Ed..." I mumbled. I hugged him back.

"Please stop apologizing (y/n)... I was just worried... I thought you were going to die..." I hear him whisper in my ear which caused shivers to go up my spin.

"Well I didn't...." I replied back. He released me and stared into my eyes. He gave me a smile and of course, I smiled back.

"That's right. We are both glad you're okay (y/n)" I hear Al happily say. I give him a smile too.

"Thanks Al," I say. I feel a shot of pain from where Lust injured me. I put my hand over my stomach.

"Are you okay?" Ed says putting his hand on my back.

"Ouch, um, yeah, just hurts like hell..." I mumbled narrowing my eyes. I then cough in my hand, I looked at it and see blood. Al quickly grabs a napkin and hands it to Ed. He then wipes the blood off my mouth making me blush. He sits down next to me, while putting his arm around my shoulder and snuggled closer to me.

"You sure you're okay..." He quietly says. I nodded.

"So, after I feel better, are we going to track down those Homunculi?" I asked putting my head on Ed's shoulder.

"Um, about that, I, I mean we, don't want you to get hurt again. So, we were going to take a train back to Risembol and drop you off at Winry's..." Ed said. My eyes widened. I scooted away from him.

"No, no I'm not. I'm staying with you and Al. I'm not leaving." I said.

"(Y/N), it's the best for you to just stay out of harms way..." Al quietly says. I shook my head.

"I'm not leaving you guys again!" I argued crossing my arms.

"(Y/N)! Listen to me for once, stay with Winry! It will only be for a little while! Please (Y/N)..." Ed pleaded. I looked away.

"Ugh... Whatever..." I sighed giving up. I got up fast, feeling really pissed off. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I yelped and fell to the ground. Edward raced for my side.

"You have to be careful (Y/N)..." He whispered. He then gently picked me up bridal style, causing me to turn red. He placed me back on the bed.

"You need to rest (y/n)..." He gently says, pushing a piece of (h/c) hair out of my eyes. I slowly nodded. I then lightly closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

Edward's POV:

After (y/n) fell asleep, Al and I exit the room. We both then sat down on the couch.

"Hey Brother, are you okay?" Al asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, the girl I love almost died and-" I quickly cover my mouth. Dammit, now he's gonna be bugging me about it.
"Yes! I knew it!" Al happily said. I rolled my eyes.

"Just don't make a big deal out of it okay? You know that I just want to focus on getting our bodies back...." I flatly say.

"You should still confess! You'll guys make the cutest couple!" Al continued.

"No, no I'm not! I probably won't ever, so just let it go, okay?!" I said really annoyed. Al sighed.

"Okay brother..." He mumbled. I laid down on the couch, feeling tired. I closed my eyes and went to bed.
*Timeskip 1 week later*

Today, was the day, when we have bring (Y/N) back to Risembol... I was pretty sad about it but, it was the best. I could tell she was in pain from her injures still. We were all walking to the train station to catch the next train that was going to Risembol. When we got there, (Y/N) didn't really talk like normal. We took our seats, (y/n) sitting by me and Alphonse sitting across from us. She sat closest to the window, and that's all she did, was stare out the window. The silence was killing me...

"(Y/N), um, is something wrong?" I finally asked. She slightly glanced at me, not fully making eye contact. I couldn't see her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

"No, not really..." She mumbled.

"Are you sure...?" I asked. She turned around to face me, still not fully looking in my eyes. She smiled, a fake one though.

"Yes Ed, I am." She said. She turned her back to the window. I let out a sigh and put my feet up on the seat in front.

"Are your injures doing better?" I hear Al asked. (Y/N) shrugged.

"A little I guess. Still hurts every now and then." She murmured. I didn't like this awkward moment so, I decided to take a nap. I closed my eyes and dosed off.

I woke up to someone gently blowing in my ear, causing me to chuckle. I opened my eyes and see a pair of (e/c) orbs staring at me. I slightly blush.

"We're here..." She said with a slight smile. I nodded as I got up. We all three, walked out of train. We now had to walk to the Rockbell residence. On our way there, (y/n) falls behind. I stop to wait for her to catch up. She had her hand over her stomach, her eyes tightly closed.

"You okay?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, just hurts like a bitch..." She mumbled. She took a deep breath in and out. I then got a idea. I turned my back towards her.

"Get on my back, I'll carry you..." I said.

"You don't have to...." She mumbled.

"But I want to so, get on my back." I say glancing back, giving her a smile. She smiled back, this one a real one. She then slowly got on my back. Her arms loosely around my neck. My hands were holding her legs.

"Okay let's go now..." Al said, I knew he felt a little awkward. Having (Y/N) this close to me, made me feel happy.... But, it saddens me how I basically have to leave her... even though I don't want to...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, HOLY SMOKIES! 100+ READS?! That's SOOO unbelievable!!!! Thank you so much for reading! It means the world to me if you like this story!!!! Please vote & comment! New chapter coming soon!!!❤️

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