Chapter Ten

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(Y/N)'s POV:

*3 weeks later*

It has been a couple weeks since Ed and I confess our feelings for eachother. When we told Winry, she looked sad but she put an obvious fake smile. Al, on the other hand, was extremly proud of his older brother. He wanted us toghther in the first place anyway. I was overjoyed that Ed and I were finnaly together!

It was a rainy night and I couldn't sleep. I got out of my bed and made my way out of my room. I walked a few paces to Ed's bedroom door. I quietly knocked.

"Ed? You awake?" I whispered knocking again. A few moments later, he opened the door. His hair was out of his braid, making himself very attractive... I slightly blushed.

"What are you doing up?" He asked with a yawn. I looked down.

"Sorry for disturbing you but, I couldn't sleep... Will it be okay if I sleep with you?" I asked. I then realized that sounded so wrong. I blushed a deep shade of red.

"Yeah, sure.." He replied letting me in his room. I walked to his bed and sat down. He sat down next to me. The next few moments were awkward. My eyes darted around the room, thinking about what I could say to make this situation less awkward. Ed lets out a sigh.

"So, um why couldn't you sleep?" He asked glancing at me. I shrugged.

"I don't I just couldnt... I'm not really tired right now..." I replied laying back down on the bed. He laid down as well. He then got really close to my face. I feel my face get hot. He leaned in and kissed me.This was the first time he has kissed since that day we started dating. I kissed back. He ended up on top of me. One of his hands was supporting my head and the other was on my waist. My arms were losely around his neck. He licked my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. I slowly opened my mouth. His tongue then began to explore my mouth. I pulled him closer to my body deepening the kiss. My hands were playing with his blonde locks. Air was needed and we parted. He gave me a small smile and he gently kissed my cheek. He trailed his kisses down to my neck. He eventually found a spot that made a quite moan escape my lips. I blushed with embarrassment. He glanced up at me and smirked. He kept on kissing and softly nibbling on that area. I desperately held back another moan. I eventually failed and let out a quite moan. He then came back up and started to kiss my lips again. This time it was more rougher. We continued this for a little while. When we pulled apart the last time, I let out a yawn. I give him a small smile.

"Tired now?" He asked with a smirk. I simply nodded. He rolled off of me and put a blanket over us. He snuggled in close to my body, his muscular arm over me.

"Good night." I whispered.

"Night... Um.. love you..." He mumbled. I feel my cheeks turn a little red..

"Love you too..." I say before I driffted off to sleep.


I woke up the following morning with Him so close to me. He still had his arm over me and I didn't want to wake him up. He just looked so damn adorable. I slowly and carefully moved my body away from his grasp. When I got out of the bed fully, I hear Ed mumbled. Shoot, I woke him up. I turned to face, only to see him mumbling words in his sleep.

"(Y/N)..." He said in his sleep. He's dreaming about me?

"I-I wuv yo-u mm *snores*" He mumbled. I couldn't help but chuckle. He's so cute. I then quietly walked out of his room, making sure to not disturb his beauty sleep. I walked downstairs to see Alphonse.

"Good morning (y/n). Sleep well?" Al asked. I nodded

"Morning, and I did..." I said taking a seat by him.

"Did Ed tell you?" Al asked looking at me.

"Tell me what?" I said confused.

"Oh, um never mind!" Al nervously chuckles. I give him an irritated look.

"No, tell me what?" I said crossing my arms. He sighed.

"Well, yesterday, Ed and I were talking... He said that me and him are planning on leaving soon. He wants you to stay here but-" I didn't let him finish. I stormed upstair and marched back to Ed's room. When I got in there, he slowly sat up in his bed, probably just got up. I then tackled him, pinning him down.

"(Y/N)?! What the hell are you dong?" He asked with a slight blush on his face. I give him a glare but I felt warm tears wanting to fall out of my (e/c) eyes.

"Why?" I mumbled not giving him eye contact.

"Why what?" He asked confused. I look down at him.

"Why did you want to be toghther if your just going to leave anyway?!" I shouted.

"What are you talking about...?" He asked still confused.

"Al told me that you guys were planning on leaving and you were going to leave me behind..." I mumbled, tears were now coming out of my eyes.

"Damn it Al... Look (y/n), I think you know why I want you to stay here right? It's because I don't want to see you get hurt again." Ed said staring into my eyes. I got off of him and sat down on the bed. He sat down next to me.

"What's the point of being in a relationship if I'm not always there for you or your not there for me...?" I asked. "Just please let me come with you... I never want to leave your side..." I mumbled the last part.

"(Y/N).... I'll always be there for you.... And I know you'll be there for me... I was just so scared and worried when Lust almost killed you... I would of never forgiven myself if she did. I don't want that to happen again..." Ed said looking away. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Can we talk about this later please?" He asked putting his arm around me. I sighed.

"Okay..." I replied. He gently kisses my forehead.

"Please don't be sad... I hate seeing you sad..." Ed said staring in my eyes. I give him a small smile.

"Okay..." I said. He then stood up and streched.

"Well I'm going to take a shower so, I'll talk to you later." Ed said walking towards the door. I didn't give him a reply so he left. I laid back down on his bed. Why can't he understand that I don't want to leave him?
End of chapter 10. I'm having trouble wraping this story up. I'm not ending it now, it's just I'm thinking about ending it soon. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Please vote & comment. I have over 1k+ reads, that's so awesome!!!❤️ thanks so much❤️ love you!

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