Chapter Eight

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(Y/N)'s POV:

As soon as the train got to Central, Winry and I quickly made our way to the hospital. Why the hell does he have to get his ass in trouble?! When we got to the hospital, I see Al sitting on a bench.

"Alphonse! Where's Ed?" I asked racing towards him. He stands up.

"He's in his room. He's resting right now." Al replied. He walks us towards his room. I immediately opened the door. I see Edward sleeping on the bed. He was bandaged up. My eyes widned. I ran up to the bed a take a seat next to it.

"You damn idiot..." I mumbled. Winry and Al peek their heads in.

"We'll give you guys some privacy..." Al said. I look down back at Ed, his hair was out of his braid so, his golden-blonde hair was pooled around him. I felt my eyes get watery.

"Ed, why did you have to get yourself hurt... I haven't seen you in 6 months, and you have to be injured..." I mumbled. I place my hand on top of his. A tear dropped on his face. I reached for his face so I could wipe it away, once I did, Ed's golden eyes slightly opened.

"(Y/N)...?" He mumbled. Without realizing it, I slapped him.

"Ouch! What the hell was that for?!" He asked sitting up. I then gave him a tight hug.

"I was worried about you, idiot..." I mumbled. I let him go and looked away.

"I'm sorry... for making you worry about me. I'm fine though so, don't need to cry..." He said wiping the tears from my face. I blushed.

"Still.... What happened anyway?" I asked glancing at him.

"Well, um, I was walking around in Central. I then saw you but, it turned out it was Envy impersonating you. Anyways, the "fake" you lead me to an alley, um saying stuff... anyway, I realized that it wasn't you. So Envy and I started to fight. Just before I punched him, he changed back in to you, I froze up, unable to do anything... That's when Envy stabbed me..." Ed explained looking down.

"I-I don't know what to say... Why would he do that?" I asked. Ed shrugged.

"I'm not sure..." He said.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked looking at him with concern. He nodded.

"Yeah, I guess. Just kind of hurts.." He replied holding his side. I got in to his bed next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"(Y/N)...?" I hear Ed ask.

"Yeah...?" I replied. I feel his hand grab on to mine. I slightly blushed.
Ed's POV:

Despite this situation being a little awkward, I felt like this was the right time to confess. I slowly reached for (y/n)'s hand. I turned my head so I was staring into her (e/c) eyes.

"Um... I-I uh, been wanting to say this for a little while now..." I stuttered, my whole face turning red.

"What is it?" She asked tilting her head. I took a deep breath in and out.

"I lo-" I started but was interrupted by hearing the door opened. I then accidentally fell out of bed. I start to blush even more. I look at the door and see Roy Mustang. He smiled.

"Interrupting anything important?" He asked with a slight smile on his face. I give him a dirty look.

"What are you doing here?" I asked getting back on the bed.

"Oh, I was just seeing if you were okay. I heard you were in the hospital so I thought it would be a good thing to visit. What happened anyway?" He said titling his head.

"Just some stupid Homunculus attacked me. I'm fine anyway so, you don't need to worry either." I mumbled. Mustang let out a sigh.

"I wasn't really worrying but, I'm pretty sure your girlfriend was." he said glancing at (y/n). I glare.

"Shes not my- ugh, just get out of here. Leave me alone." I yelled. He just chuckled

"Whatever. Bye Fullmetal, bye (y/n), you two have fun." He said waving. He then got out of the room. I rolled my eyes.

"What were you going to say?" I hear (Y/N) asked. The moment is ruined so it wouldn't make sense to say it. I shook my head.

"Um, it can wait..." I mumbled. She let out a sigh of annoyance.

"You better tell me soon..." She says lightly chuckling.

"Don't worry, you'll know soon..." I mumbled. She got out of the bed and stretched.

"Okay then. Do you know when you'll be out of the hospital?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know..." I replied. Right after I said that the doctor, Winry, and Al came into the room.

"Hello, Mr. Elric. Good news and bad news. Good news is that you're available to leave the hospital. Bad news is that you still have to recover for at least 2 more days." The doctor explained. I nodded.

"Perfect, Ed, you can stay at my house and recover there!" Winry happily said.

"Um okay..." I said back.

"I'll take care of you too.." Winry mumbled the last part. I slightly blushed. Everybody stared at her.

"Okay then... Anyway, you can go home now if you're up to it Edward." The doctor said before leaving the room. I let out a sigh.

"Okay, um I guess I'm
going home then..." I mumbled.
(Y/N)'s POV:

Winry was acting very strange since Ed and Al came home. Maybe she was overjoyed that they're home like I was. Right now, I was in my room just sitting around. I was thinking about what Ed was going to say to me at the hospital. Stupid Mustang had to interrupt... What if he was going to say he liked me back...? I would literally die of happiness. Just thinking about it made my heart beat fast. One problem, Ed mostly likely doesn't like me that way... But I just like to think 'What if' he did. My thoughts stop when I heard a loud bang noise coming from down stairs. I made my way downstairs to the source of the noise. In the kitchen, I see Winry and Ed kissing... My eyes widened. Winry had her arms wrapped around his neck. I felt tears wanting to come out but I forced myself not to cry. I grabbed the necklace Ed gave me all those years ago, pulled it off. I then threw it at them, making sure it hit Ed. I looked down not wanting to stare in the eyes of the guy who broke my heart.

"(Y/N), I-" Ed stared to say but I didn't let him finish because I ran away. I quickly ran out of the house, now letting the tears fall down my face. I'm so stupid to think that bastard will like me! As I ran, it started to rain. I ran to a spot that was near a pound. I sat down and let it all out as the rain poured on to me.
Edward's POV:

*5 mins ago*

I was siting in the living room with Al. I then hear Winry's voice.

"Hey Ed, come here..." She said. I got up and quickly went to the kitchen. When I got there, Winry was crying a little.

"What's wrong Winry?" I asked walking closer to her. She then gave me a tight hug.

"Ed, I-I love you but but you like (y/n)..." She mumbled. I blushed. (A/N: Can I just say something, I don't really care for Winry, I'm sorry... But I do ship her and Ed, just not in this story lol)

"Um Winry.. I'm so-" I was stopped by her grabbing my shoulders, pushing me against the wall and kissing me. My eyes widend. I feel some sort of object hit me. I gently pushed Winry off of me. I look behind her and see (Y/N)... Oh no... It look like she was about to cry...

"(Y/N) I-" Was about to say but she ran away. No no no, now she's going to hate me... I grabbed the necklace and ran out to her.

End of chapter eight! Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it's like a cliffhanger! Please vote & comment! Love you guys!❤️

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